3, Nov, 21

Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

There's plenty of loot to be found in the Forgotten Realms.

Now the tabletop release is gone, it’s time to look at what’s valuable in the set and what isn’t. With Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, the value of the set seems reasonable but has a high ceiling. Firstly, this is the first crossover Magic effort with more coming under the Universes Beyond banner. Extending this, there will be a demand not only with Magic players, but with D&D players to pick up cards of their favorite creatures and characters. There is a bigger audience for the set, which is sure to promote demand throughout the set’s life.

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms offers more than a play experience, it provides a collectible experience and one that could see some application in a typical session of D&D. With that, there a handful of cards creeping up due to these reasons, and because of their usage in popular formats such as Commander.

Werewolf Pack Leader

Since the release of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, various Werewolf cards are beginning to rise in price due to the tribe support in the set. One of those cards is Werewolf Pack Leader, an aggressively costed Werewolf that offers card draw.

The card can also become a Human as a 5/3 if you want to get really aggressive. You see the Human Werewolf feature in Standard Gruul Werewolves and Mono-Green Aggro since it’s decently costed and gains all the benefits that other Werewolf cards may offer. Even with Innistrad: Crimson Vow coming, expect to see the card feature heavily in Standard with the more Werewolf cards printed.

Read More: Where’s The Werewolf Commander Deck?

Hall of Storm Giants

With the release of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, a new cycle of mono-colored creature lands was printed. Out of the cycle, Hall of Storm Giants sees the most play as an almost hexproof 7/7 is an amazing threat to have access to. You see it Standard, but also beginning to appear in Modern in Blue-based Control shells as it’s a win condition.

Also, the land comes in untapped if you have one land or less in play which makes it decent in the early game. Even in Commander, the card can put in some serious damage unless your opponent is willing to trade three mana to remove it. Expect to see this cycle feature in Standard for as long as they are legal with usage in Pioneer and Modern too.

Read More: The Best Lands Commanders In MTG

Inferno of the Star Mounts

Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From the Forgotten Realms

Throughout Standard’s history, we often see a big Red Dragon make a notable presence in the format, cards such as Glorbringer and Stormbreath Dragon all have seen success at the hands of competitive players in the past. Inferno of the Star Mounts may be the next to continue that legacy in constructed formats.

For six mana, you get an uncounterable, evasive and hasty creature that is sure to demand an answer the second it enters play. It also offers a firebreathing ability which is sure to ask questions in a pod of Commander. With Standard rotation on the horizon, Inferno of the Star Mounts is one to keep an eye out for. There could be a Red Treasure list featuring Goldspan Dragon, or adding Blue for Galazeth Prismari. Either way, expect to see cards become in demand due to the upcoming rotation.

Read More: Modern Horizons 2 Cards Caught On Camera Inside Forgotten Realms Boosters

Ebondeath, Dracolich

Carrying on the Mythic cycle of Dragons is Ebondeath, Dracolich which offers a sacrifice outlet for Commander. By using cards such as Grave Pact, Ashnod’s Altar, and Butcher of Malakir you should be able to keep most of your opponents from being able to maintain a board state. You won’t be able to loop with those permanents and there are cheaper creatures you can use instead, but doing this a couple of times may be enough for the table to scoop.

Another thing about these D&D-themed cards is that they are desirable amongst D&D collectors. They may not be inherently powerful cards, but offer enough individuality that MTG and D&D fans will be after these. Lastly, the Zombie Dragon does come with Flash allowing you to use the card as a blocker in a pinch. It’s nothing fancy but it’s at least flavorful to compliment the D&D universe.

Read More: Best MTG Playmats: Which Playmats Should You Get For Magic: The Gathering?

Acererak the Archlich

Acererak the Archlich is one of the most famous end-bosses in all of the D&D lore. Found in the Tomb of Horrors, the Zombie Wizard is a Lich of immense power, who lives in a sanctum protected from intruders. In the realm of MTG, the card is pretty good and offers plenty of combo potential.

As such, the card is seeing fringe play in Legacy in Aluren as you are able to Venture and complete dungeons, especially Lost Mine of Phandelver. By venturing through the Lost of Mine of Phandelver, you are able to venture to the Dark Pool room which drains the opponent for one life – rinse and repeat until the opponent has no more life. You can use the combination in Commander too, and there are ways to find either cards since you’re in black, which offers the best tutor suite available.

Read More: The 10 Best Commanders From Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

Ranger Class

You may be familiar with Ranger Class in Limited where it’s one of the best rares you can play. Outside of Limited, the card sees plenty of play in Standard as it’s able to offer so much value for little mana investment.

The Class Enchantment is heavily featured in Standard Mono-Green Aggro which is one of the best answers to Izzet Epiphany at present. You are able to create Tokens, add counters to creatures, and cast creature cards from the top of your library. The Class Enchantment cards see little play outside of Standard, but they’re a fantastic design space and sure to remain playable until they rotate out next year.

Read More: The 10 Most Expensive Cards in Standard


Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From the Forgotten Realms

It was one of the most hyped cards during Adventures in the Forgotten Realms preview season, and it’s easy to see why. Since its release, Demilich is making its presence known in eternal constructed formats such as Modern and Legacy. It’s even cropping up in MTG Arena’s Historic format in Arclight Phoenix builds since you already run a high density of instant and sorceries.

You’ll want to run the Skeleton Wizard in dedicated Arclight Phoenix lists in Modern (or Historic) since both creatures care about casting a myriad of spells in a turn. The ability to recast Demilich from the graveyard encourages a resilient gameplan, and the ability to re-cast spells from your graveyard when it attacks. With that, expect the price of Demilich to rise when more cheap and powerful spells come into older formats. Since it’s not Legendary, many players will be after the full set of Demilich since you’ll want to cast the creature as regular as possible in a game of MTG.

Read More: 10 Amazing Blue Commander Cards For Under A Dollar


Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From the Forgotten Realms

Tiamat is a seven-mana Dragon God who will be a strong contender to lead a Dragon tribal Commander deck. When cast, Tiamat can find up to five Dragon cards that each has a different name and put into your hand. What makes Tiamat a powerful option is the ability to tutor up particular Dragons for certain situations. Want to stop players interacting on your turn? Grab Dragonlord Dromoka. Want token generation? Grab Beledros Witherbloom. The options are endless, and Tiamat works wonderfully alongside an Omniscience to put those Dragons into play for free.

With that in mind, expect Tiamat to rise up in price the longer Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is around. Tribal is a popular archetype within Commander, and there are plenty of Dragon players that will want to add the Dragon God to their existing lists.

Read More: Commander Challenge – Dragon Throne of Tarkir

Lolth, Spider Queen

Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From the Forgotten Realms

Lolth, Spider Queen may not be the most powerful of cards to come from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, but it’s sure to be one of the most flavorful from the set.

While the Goddess doesn’t immediately impact the board when she enters, what she offers is incremental value. Enough to provide card draw and a stream of threats to protect her as the game progresses. The ultimate isn’t anything to shy away at either, although expect to see that final ability appear more in Commander than Standard. Lolth will offer decent monetary value as she’s a well-loved character within the D&D lore, and there will be players who will want to collect the cards of their favorite characters.

Read More: Best MTG Sleeves: Which Card Sleeves Should You Get For Playing Magic: The Gathering?

Old Gnawbone

Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From the Forgotten Realms

Another great target to find off Tiamat’s cast ability is Old Gnawbone. For seven mana, you get a Dragon that rewards you with treasure for every time a creature attacks and the amount of damage dealt. Seeing Green getting a huge treasure payoff may seem weird, but Old Gnawbone slots into plenty

You can pair Old Gnawbone with either Goldspan Dragon to double your treasures or go infinite with Aggravated Assault. Or, you can even use it alongside Modern Horizon 2‘s Academy Manufactor to receive Clue and Food tokens for your efforts too. Expect Old Gnawbone to go up in value as the set ages due to the unique ability in a color that rarely sees dedicated treasure support.

Read More: The 10 Best Magic: the Gathering Infinite Combos in Commander

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