15, Dec, 21

Risk and Reward - Reddit's Greatest MTG Investments of 12/06/21

There’s a whole community of Magic players over at www.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance, who discuss various financial aspects of the game. They cover topics like the reserved list, trends when holding sealed products for the long-term, and, most excitingly, single card speculations.

Welcome to Risk and Reward, where we cover interesting MTG investments each week. Some investments have massive payoffs. Some are just for fun. And not all investments are winners.

*WARNING* You’re about to see giant stockpiles of cardboard.

Tourarch, Dread Cantor – u/njdevfan89

Tourarch, Dread Cantor investment by u/njdevfan89

Why did you choose to invest in Tourach, Dread Cantor?

“The card is versatile and has protection from what are currently two of the most popular removal spells in Modern, Solitude and Prismatic Ending. These are both important factors for a format like Modern.”

“I like comparing Tourach to a card like Seasoned Pyromancer because that’s a card that caught on in a couple of decks and hit as much as $40.00. (Although, I’m not necessarily expecting Tourach to reach those prices, as Modern Horizons 2 had a larger print run, and there are various versions of Tourach compared to Pyromancer.)”

How many copies of your card do you currently own? And ideally, how many would you like to obtain?

“I own 100 copies. That was my goal and I’ll likely stop there. I like to diversify in a few cards whenever a new set releases and I don’t like going too deep in any one spec.”

Approximately, how much did you spend on each copy Tourach, Dread Cantor? What value do you expect them to reach and why? And at what value, would you consider selling your position?

“I spent an average of $2.50 on them. I am hopeful that they peak at roughly $15.00 but would not be surprised if the top is closer to $10.00 due to the numerous versions of the card printed and the sheer size of Modern Horizons 2‘s print run. I’ll consider selling them when buy lists approach $7.00-8.00.”

RELATED: You’ll Dread it if Tourach, Dread Cantor, Gets More Expensive

Ignite the Future

Ignite the Future investment. ***This investor opted to remain anonymous for the article***

Why did you choose to invest in Ignite the Future?

“I like the card. The floor value you can get out of the card is pretty good, but the ceiling can be high if, for example, you manage to copy Ignite when you flash it back.”

How many copies of your card do you currently own? And ideally, how many would you like to obtain?

“I own 921 copies of the card. I don’t want to obtain any more of them.”

Approximately, how much did you spend on each copy of your card? What value do you expect them to reach (and why)? And at what value, would you consider selling your position?

“After shipping, I paid an average of 35 cents for each card. Now that they’ve been reprinted I don’t expect them to ever gain value. So, I would sell them at any price point, I guess, and just take a loss.”

Ignite the Future | Wizards of the Coast

Read More: New MTG Store Championship Promos Cost How Much?!

Alchemist’s Gambit – u/mullberry0

Alchemist’s Gambit investment by u/mullberry0

Why did you choose to invest in Alchemist’s Gambit?

“I got the idea to invest in Alchemist’s Gambit from a Discord server with other Magic investors. Another member was buying foil versions of the card, and I thought it was undervalued once I saw the price. Izzet is my favorite color combination and I like playing Izzet control in Standard, so it’s the kind of card I enjoy anyway.”

“I think Alrund’s Epiphany is the best card to compare Gambit to. Epiphany has been popular, and admittedly better than Gambit. But my bet is that Izzet control will continue to be viable in the future, and Alchemist’s Gambit will be used more widely once Epiphany rotates out of Standard in September 2022.”

How many copies of your card do you currently own? And ideally, how many would you like to obtain?

“I currently own 236 copies, and I feel that that is enough to sit on.”

Approximately, how much did you spend on each copy of Alchemist’s Gambit? What value do you expect them to reach and why? And at what value, would you consider selling your position?

“I spent about $0.36 for each copy of the regular version, $0.65 for the extended art, $0.75 for the foils, and $1.99 for the prerelease promo.

“I’m not sure about the other versions, but I think the regular version will be worth around $1.00 at some point. $3.00 is the maximum I think it could hit. I’d be happy to sell my position once the regular version of the card gets to the $1.00 mark, as that would more than double the investment.”

Read More: Twilight Prophet is Getting Bloody Expensive for MTG Commander

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