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MTG: Most Popular Creature Types In Commander

The Commander format is one of the best formats for letting players experiment with different strategies. Cards that would not be useful in more competitive formats can become cornerstones of a deck. Higher life counts, rules for the Commander, and longer game times increase the number of viable decks that can succeed. 

The sky is the limit when you put together your Commander deck, but there are creature types that work well in Commander. It’s not uncommon to see decks revolve around a single tribal creature type because of the synergies you can come up with. Magic: The Gathering has a large variety of creatures, and everyone has their favorites.

If you are getting into Commander for the first time, knowing the popular creature types can give you some inspiration to build your own deck. For those who are starting to play and can’t figure out why their deck isn’t working, the popular creature types can reveal some synergies. Seeing what other players are choosing and why they work well gives you the inspiration to try something new. Here are the MTG most popular creature types in Commander!

#1. Slivers


Whether you love them or hate them, Slivers are a good choice for the Commander format. Each Sliver provides a certain effect which they share with other Slivers when they come into play. For example, a Predatory Sliver gives all Slivers a +1/+1 boost while a Gemhide Sliver can be tapped for one mana of any color. If both are on the battlefield, then the Gemhide Sliver also gets a +1/+1 bonus and the Predatory Sliver can be tapped for one mana of any color.

This applies as long as the Sliver is currently on the battlefield. Some of the Slivers are cheap and easy to pick up, while others can be expensive. The most expensive Slivers are the mythic rares that represent the leaders. The best part about the mythic rare Slivers is that each of them could be used as the Commander. They all require five colors of mana to play, which means all Slivers become playable.

A Sliver Commander deck is a great introductory deck that teaches you the basics of the format. Since every Sliver will be useful, it helps to understand how Commanders work, the new life total, and the extended game duration. You only need the basics of Magic: The Gathering to get started, and it’s a strong deck right out of the gate.

As you gain more experience and get other cards, you want to move away from using Slivers. There are far more possibilities in Commander and you should get to know them. Slivers are a great introduction but they shouldn’t be the only creature type you play. They aren’t perfect either, and you will see how players deal with Slivers once they know you are playing them.

#2. Humans


Humans are one of the most common creature types in Magic: The Gathering, and are found in almost every set. That provides a long list of Commanders to choose from and several creatures who benefit from the Commander’s effects. While you won’t see the level of enhancement from the Slivers, Humans are still capable of working together to pull off some amazing strategies. Humans are associated with white mana, but there are several Human commanders who are multicolored or don’t have white mana.

From token generation to strengthening existing cards, Humans can steadily grow into a threat that can’t be stopped. They also exist across a variety of colors, giving you several options to play with depending on your Commander. Multi-colored Human Commanders allow you to focus on the strengths of each color while getting creatures that are easy to cast. With the right supporting spells and equipment, it’s a difficult creature type to stop.

Getting a Human Commander and the necessary cards to build a decent deck isn’t difficult, which adds to its popularity. It’s a great way to get started in Commander by having a decent presence while not breaking the bank.

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#3. Goblins


Goblins are some of the most iconic creatures in Magic: The Gathering because they are known for their cheap mana costs and quick attacks. Almost all Goblins belong to the color of red mana, but there are a few Goblins that belong to other colors. If you have played against mono-red decks before, you know they are all about speed and dealing damage quickly.

That’s great in other formats where lower life totals mean faster games, but Commander gives players 40 life. This looks like a disadvantage against a Goblin deck, but this doesn’t affect them as negatively as it initially seems. Cards such as Krenko, Mob Boss are suited for longer games where you create incredibly powerful boards over time. Getting the proper spells, enchantments, and artifacts is important to ensure that you can strengthen the weak Goblins.

Another great aspect of Goblin Commander decks is that they aren’t costly to put together. While some Goblins can cost a few dollars, they rarely go over $100. You likely have some Goblins lying around, which can make a quick foundation for your Commander deck. Even if you must purchase some special Goblins, you aren’t emptying your wallet as much compared to other Commander decks. Since a majority of Goblin Commanders are going to be pure red decks, it’s also easy to build one since you rarely have to worry about a Goblin not being suitable.

Read More: The Top 10 Best Commanders That Cost 1 Mana Or Less

#4. Elves


Just as Goblins are associated with red mana, Elves are known for associating with green mana. The stereotype doesn’t hold in Commander, as there are several Elves across the color spectrum resulting in great deck ideas. This gives Elven Commander decks great flexibility, as they aren’t mostly locked into a single color like Goblins are.

There’s nothing wrong with investing into green mana and going with large creatures and mana ramp. Commander games have a longer duration, which means large creatures which would normally be unviable in a competitive format can succeed. Cards like Marwyn, The Nurturer are great for increasing your mana pool for long games. You don’t have to limit yourself to solely green mana either, as large creatures from other colours can work nicely as well.

Since Elven Commanders can also be multicolored (and sometimes not even green), there are several strategies available that other Commander decks couldn’t pursue. You can work in mana ramp to cast powerful enchantments and artifacts, or enhance your creatures even further. The popularity of Elven decks means that some cards could be expensive, but developing your deck’s potential is definitely worth it.

Read More: MTG Best Budget Decks For Major Formats

#5. Vampires

Vampires are often associated with black mana, but popular Vampire Commanders are often multicolored. This allows them to access Vampires in other colors (such as red, another color commonly associated with Vampires). Your deck can mainly consist of black mana cards, but depending on your Commander, you can access powerful spells that align with your strategy.

Just like Humans, Vampires are capable of enhancing each other and fighting on the battlefield. Most of them work with losing or gaining life, and it’s not unusual to find Vampires with Lifelink. It helps draw out games since Commanders have 40 life at the start. While it doesn’t protect you from the 21-damage rule, you get a better chance of recovering as long as you regain life.

Vampires don’t just use Lifelink, they have a variety of effects that allow them to drain life without combat. There are also Vampires who can take control of other creatures, including other Vampires.

Having a variety of strategies to take down other players makes a Vampire deck versatile. Paying attention to a Commander’s effects and what cards can support them is essential to help them succeed. Ensure they work well with each other, and you will start to rack up your victories against other players.

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#6. Zombies


Zombies are powerful enemies that never stay down, which captures the essence of black mana perfectly. They are capable of bringing themselves back from the graveyard and producing Zombie tokens to flood the battlefield. This goes well with black mana’s penchant for creature removal and discarding cards, which puts players in a difficult position. Many of the most popular Zombie-themed cards in MTG are found in the Dimir colors.

Zombies have access to multicolored Commanders, which can give them access to the strengths of other colors. Even staying with a mono-black deck has a variety of suitable Commanders, all with unique abilities to benefit Zombies in play.

Having constant access to players’ graveyards or producing tokens allows Zombie Commander decks to maintain a presence well into the late game. While their removal spells might run out towards the end, being able to bring creatures out of graveyards becomes dangerous. As creatures start falling left and right, it’s perfect for a Zombie deck to take advantage of the situation.

It’s easy to pick up a Zombie deck as well, making it a popular choice for those entering the format. Once you understand token generation and revival mechanics, you can hold your own against a good number of archetypes. Picking up cards is also relatively easy, since Zombies aren’t too expensive to purchase. For mono-black players who are looking to jump into Commander, Zombies are an easy choice.

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#7. Dragons


One of the most powerful races in Magic: The Gathering, Dragons are a popular creature type for the Commander format. In contrast to Goblins, who play with more speed, Dragons make a big impact in the mid-late game. They also have access to a variety of colors, and five-color Dragon Commanders are not uncommon.

If you can get Dragons out on the battlefield and keep them safe, you can control the flow of the game easily. Having access to multiple colors allows Dragon decks to draw on a variety of strengths, and it’s hard to predict what some decks can do. You can pursue many strategies depending on your Commander, making it hard for opponents to plan in advance.

The biggest problem is that Dragon cards can be expensive. Building a good Dragon Commander deck will set you back a considerable amount of money compared to other creatures. The cost can be worthwhile if you frequently play Commander, but that money could be used elsewhere. If you are willing to spend some money, your Dragon deck could grant you victory in many Commander games.

Read More: MTG: Most Expensive Dragon Cards

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