We’re nearly at the end of Time Spiral Remastered preview season, nearly, but not quite. Today brings with it joy, plant-moms, tree-huggers, and trees that will hug you back a little too tight. That’s right, it’s the day of Green cards.
Time Spiral Remastered opens up a potentially very exciting new chapter of MTG with it being the first paper remaster set. This could well mean a brave new world of affordable cards, and the old borders are a pretty nice bonus. If you’re not sure what’s been spoiled so far, then you can always have a look at our wonderful spoiler section.
Anyway, let’s get onto the Green.
Green Time Spiral Remastered Cards Previewed
Shockingly, we’re getting Tarmogoyf which we expected given the leak of the Draft Booster packaging last month.
Tarmogoyf is a long-time staple of Modern and Legacy, so a reprint is a welcome sight for players. Hopefully, it encourages a lower price-point so players can pick these up at an affordable rate. Rounding out the rare previews of the day so far are Fungus Sliver and Heartwood Storyteller, which will both be fantastic build-around options in Time Spiral Remastered Limited.
Read More: Other sets we want to see remastered
Green Time Spiral Remastered Timeshifted Previews
It’s so nice to see Reclamation Sage get the old-school treatment alongside Elvish Mystic for those elves enthusiasts out there.
Going further, Beast Whisperer is a fantastic option within any creature Green-based Commander build to replace those creatures with card draw. Then, we have Become Immense which sees play in Modern Infect as a way to kill the opponent as early as turn three.
Time Spiral Remastered is set to release for tabletop on March 19, 2021. Magic Online will also have a Time Spiral Remastered booster draft event, but it won’t be available on Magic: The Gathering Arena.
Read More: Check out some of the Red Time Spiral Remastered spoilers