Modern Horizons 2 spoilers are around the corner! Similar to Modern Horizons 1, the set introduces new cards into Modern and other eternal formats without them going through Standard.
Modern Horizons 2 previews begin on May 20 and start fully on May 24. If you have missed the cards previewed so far, we have a dedicated gallery to get you up to speed.
Read More: Will Counterspell Be Too Good in Modern?
Where to Find Modern Horizons 2 Previews
On Tuesday, Wizards of the Coast announced the outlets that will be showing off Modern Horizons 2 preview cards over the next few weeks. Below, you’ll find a list of dates as well as any outlets previewing a card on that date.
May 20
May 24
- @MagicOnline
- After Office TTV
- Card Kingdom
- Cedric Phillips
- Elfeirtwitch
- Journal du Geek
- Liga Magic
- Ma Noah
- Making Magic
- Sol4r1s, Radio Ravnica, Commander Kompass
- The Command Zone
- The Games Capital
- The Vorthos Cast
- Tian Fa Mun
May 25
- @mtgjp
- @wizards_magic Twitter
- Brian Bruan-Duin
- Cards Realm
- ChannelFireball
- Chris Botelho
- DailyMTG
- Day9
- HeyKona
- Jumbo Commander
- KitchenTableCommander
- LegenVD
- Naver Café
- Simón Escobar
- TheAsianAvenger
- WPN Email
May 26
- @MagicEsports
- Bigweb
- Blue Robot
- Cabrito Montês
- CalebDMTG
- Card Rush
- CoolStuffInc
- DailyMTG
- DeejayKnight
- deezyMTG
- Face to Face Games
- Good Games Adelaide
- InMagic Community
- Luis Salvatto
- Magic Arcanum
- Marshall Sutcliffe
- Minotaur Guy
- MTG Rocks
- MTGGoldfish
- Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa
- r/magicTCG
- Ryuzo Fujie
- TappyToeClaws
- TCGPlayer
- Thyrixsix
- Umotivo
- Zio Garbe
- Zopilote García
May 27
- @wizards_magic Instagram
- Amazonian
- Bennie Smith
- Brad Nelson
- Brent Vos
- Card Market
- cEDH Brazil
- Commander Cookout
- Commander Rules Committee
- DailyMTG
- Fazendo Nerdice
- Ivan Floch
- Iyingdi
- JamieTopples
- Kotaku AU
- Levunga
- Limited Resources
- Lorenautas
- Luca Magni
- Magic Mics
- Magic: The Gathering CT Facebook
- Mani Davoudi
- Mashable
- Merchant
- Migucheras
- MTG Español YouTube
- Nopi
- Pixie Kitten
- Pleasant Kenobi
- Scryfall
- Shintaro Ishimura
- TappyToeClaws
- Third Power Podcast
- Weekly MTG
- Zachary Kiihne
May 28
- @MagicEsports
- Blackneto
- Cassius Marsh
- Constructed Resources
- DailyMTG
- Good Morning Magic
- Hareruya Media
- Instinct3
- Kenji Egashira
- Kotaku AU
- La Banda del Monored
- M.Wakatsuki/aisha
- MTG Nexus
- Naver Café
- Phyrexia Sin Fronteras
- r/ModernMagic/
- Riley Knight
- Turba
May 29
May 30
May 31
- BestMarmotte
- Corey Baumeister
- Cultic Cube
- Fizzy Games & Hobby Store
- Hobby Master NZ
- Joel Larsson
- LadyLavinias
- Lords of Limited
- Lucas Esper Berthoud
- Magic: The Gathering Facebook
- Magic: The Gathering APAC English Facebook
- Making Magic
- ManaCurves
- Masters of Modern
- Skybilz
- StarCityGames
- TheAsianAvenger
- Wizards Fan Email
- Zampieridebbie
June 1
- @wizards_magic
- 3GB
- AffinityArtifacts
- APAC EN Facebook
- Carolina Anet
- Cassie LaBelle
- Crokeyz
- DailyMTG
- Felipez
- LoadingReadyRun
- Magic: The Gathering Japanese Facebook
- Masters of Modern
- MTG Landfall
- Sebastián Pozzo
- Semulin
- Voxy
- Wyatt Darby
As avid readers may notice, MTG Rocks have three Modern Horizons 2 preview cards to reveal on May 26! Make sure to keep an eye out on Facebook and Twitter for the big reveal soon!
Read More: Magic: The Gathering Ban Announcement Coming This Week? Here are The Cards That Might Get Banned