Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From Throne of Eldraine in 2021
12, Aug, 21

Ten Most Expensive MTG Cards From Throne of Eldraine in 2021

Throne of Eldraine is one of the most powerful MTG set in recent times.
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Ever since it’s release to Standard back in October 2019, Throne of Eldraine has been a major player in the metagame. Bringing powerful mechanics like Adventures and Food, it has always had a presence in the meta, and has the most cards banned in Standard from the set. Even though it’s going to rotating out of Standard soon, many of the cards still command a high price tag.

While some of these prices are heavily dictated by Standard’s meta, many of these cards are powerful in other competitive formats as well. If you’re looking at picking up cards from Eldraine for other formats, it may be worth holding off until the set rotates out of Standard, but this list could be a good indicator of which cards to pick up.

Fabled Passage (Extended Art)

fabled pasage extended
Wizards of the Coast

When this was released, Fabled Passage was the only fetch land for Standard, and initially was very expensive. Since it’s been reprinted a few times, the price has come down, but this one still is up there due to the extended art treatment of the card. While it’s primarily used in Standard, it does find homes in Pioneer, as it’s the only fetch that’s legal, and this could be a great budget option for a fetch land for commander. There are cheaper versions of this card, but if you’re looking for something a little extra for your deck this is a great one.

Castle Lochtwain (Extended Art)

Castle Lochtwain extended
Wizards of the Coast

Another land from the set, Castle Lochtwain has been a staple for any black decks in Standard, helping them draw cards when they run out steam. This card hasalso found a home in Pioneer and Modern as well, so this has a lot of great constructed applications. Again, since this is an extended art version, there are cheaper options for this card as well.

Rankle, Master of Pranks (Extended Art)

Rankle Extended
Wizards of the Coast

Rankle, Master of Pranks has been a card that has been in and out of the metagame. When the Mono Black aggro strategies are good, this is a must include in the 4 drop spot. This card has also found a home in Pioneer in the Mono Black aggro deck as well, so if you play Pioneer, this is a great pick up.

Embercleave (Extended Art)

Wizards of the Coast

Embercleave has been the boon of the Mono Red decks in the Standard format since release. This powerful equipment allows a small creature to push through immense damage, and at instant speed. With it’s cost reduction ability and auto equip as well, it was a sure fine finisher in those decks. While it’s mostly still relegated to Standard play, it is seeing some Pioneer play in Bard Storm, which helps the deck break any stalled board states when it combos off.

Brazen Borrower

Brazen Borrower
Wizards of the Coast

Brazen Borrower might be the one card on this list that sees the most play across multiple formats. The unique properties of this card, being a creature first, but also having a spell attached to it makes it incredibly useful in many strategies. This card sees play all the way back even in to Vintage, so I’d expect that this is a top pick up for anyone who is playing more than just Standard. I said at the beginning to hold off on buying any of these cards until rotation, but this one is definitely one I’d consider picking up before rotation clears. It’s entirely possible that this card will go up in value as time goes on due to it’s versatile nature and frequent play in many top decks.

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Emry (Extended Art)

Emry Extended
Wizards of the Coast

Emry, Lurker of the Loch, while not a card that really saw a lot of Standard play, is a card that gets better the further back in Magic you go. This card is a major player in some of the top decks from Modern, Legacy and Vintage, as well as a fan favorite Commander. With access to more powerful cheap artifacts, it makes sense why this card sees more play in eternal formats. Once again, being the extended art version of the card makes it command a higher price tag, but you can find the normal version for about $6.

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Oko, Thief of Crowns (Borderless)

Oko Borderless
Wizards of the Coast

Being banned basically everywhere except Vintage and Commander, Oko, Thief of Crowns is arguably one of the most powerful planeswalkers ever made. Despite being legal in only 1 constructed format, Oko is present in many of the top decks of the format. It is also included in many commander decks as well, where the power level of the card is kept more in check by the mutliplayer nature of the games. The borderless version is an alternate art for the card, and the normal version can be had for about $15.

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Questing Beast (Extended Art)

questing beast extended
Wizards of the Coast

If we want to talk about pushed creatures, Questing Beast takes the cake. The amount of powerful abilities on this card makes this one very strong. It was a staple in the Standard metagame in various aggressive strategies and does see some small amounts of play in Pioneer in Bard Class. The normal version of the card can be bought for quite a bit less than the extended art version, but if you’re putting this card in a commander deck or if you’re playing Bard Class, it may be worth picking up the bling version.

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Brazen Borrower (Showcase)

Brazen Borrower Showcase
Wizards of the Coast

We’ve already talked about Brazen Borrower once in this list, but this is the only card that has the Throne of Eldraine showcase treatment. Say what you will about the set, the art here is stunning. This incredible art style for these cards make all of the showcase variants a chase for collectors, and gives the good cards that have these treatments a nice boost in price as well.

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The Great Henge

The two most expensive cards in the set are The Great Henge. This card only sees play in Standard, and Commander. I expect that Standard does have quite an impact on this price, but it’s definitely possible for this card to go up higher in price once it rotates out. This is a great addition to any commander deck, and picking up the extended art version of the card for your commander decks could be a great investment.

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