Strixhaven: School of Mages, the upcoming magical school-themed Magic: The Gathering set, takes place in the most elite university of Magic’s Multiverse, and the five colleges of that school as well as their two-color combinations have been revealed: Quandrix (blue/green), Lorehold (white/red), Witherbloom (black/green), Prismari (blue/red), and Silverquill (white/black).
Each of the 5 Strixhaven colleges also has an iconic symbols that represents what they’re about, and these symbols will also be shown as watermarks on some cards in Strixhaven, as shown in the cycle of Command spells revealed during the DailyMTG Twitch stream.
Here are the symbols of the 5 colleges of Strixhaven university:
Quandrix symbol (blue/green)
Lorehold symbol (white/red)
Witherbloom symbol (black/green)
Prismari symbol (blue/red)
Silverquill symbol (white/black)
These symbols remind a lot of the guilds of Ravnica, which also have associated symbols that Magic players are familiar with. It would be interesting to find out more Strixhaven cards associated with these 5 colleges.
Strixhaven will also have 5 different Prerelease Packs, each associated with one of the 5 colleges, and you check out what they look like here.
Strixhaven: School of Mages is scheduled to release for tabletop on April 23. The set is expected to release digitally on MTG Arena and Magic Online probably a week before its tabletop release. You can find out more details about Strixhaven here.