On November 4th, the freshly announced Marvel Superdrop is set to go live. Featuring five unique Secret Lair products that each contain an awesome mechanically unique Superhero, this drop is sure to be quite popular. Not to mention, multiple of the Secret Lairs offer incredibly lucrative reprint value, making them slam-dunk purchases.
On top of just the contents in each individual Secret Lair, if you buy enough products, you can also get your hands on a promo as a bonus. The promo this time around isn’t too exciting, unfortunately, but it’s there for the taking if you spend enough money.
How to Get it
The promo in question this time around is none other than Arcane Signet. Arcane Signet is a ubiquitous Commander card that goes in nearly every multicolor EDH deck. As you might expect from a homogenous common, the card holds very little reprint value, as you can purchase traditional copies for under 50 cents.
Nonetheless, this intriguing Arcane Signet variant is earned by spending at least $199 on Marvel Superdrop products. Conveniently, this means that if you buy one of each of the five Marvel Secret Lairs in non-foil, you’ll just barely cross the $199 mark (each Secret Lair is $39.99 in non-foil and $49.99 in rainbow foil). Notably, you get a promo for each $199 you spend, so you can potentially walk away with multiple copies.
Player Reaction and Comparisons
At the end of the day, giving players a promo card for spending a certain amount of money on Secret Lairs isn’t a new concept. Wizards of the Coast has done this multiple times before. When compared to some of the other cards offered, Arcane Signet falls a bit short.
In recent years, The Scorpion God, The Scarab God, and Ignoble Hierarch have all been featured as promos in a similar manner. The Scarab God offered the best reprint value of the bunch, as it sits over $10 in its cheapest non-foil form according to TCGPlayer market price. While The Scorpion God and Ignoble Hierarch aren’t as pricy, they’re still worth more than Arcane Signet. Plus, they boasted extravagant artwork with vibrant colors.
Arcane Signet, on the other hand, has left players wanting more. Many players feel the art is simply not worth it. The consensus is that it’s very bland. This is a shame for a cheap card whose appeal would normally be the artwork.
The decision to use a tower in the background has also left players befuddled. Some feel like Command Tower would have been a better choice.
At the very least, Arcane Signet is a very popular card, so fans of Marvel can look to put this in their decks. Given the sheer number of Secret Lair versions of Arcane Signet out there already, though, this one isn’t super special. It may hold a reasonable price tag regardless, especially considering the limited print run associated with the Marvel Secret Lair. So, if you want to get your hands on one of these and some Marvel products, make sure to log on quickly on November 4th.