We’re getting so much more information around Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. We’ve seen some great artwork that Wizards released in articles, as well as the World Building Round Table. While a lot of the art that we’ve seen skews towards more of the traditional side of Kamigawa with some with some neon lights here and there, we have yet to truly see how far the technology in the world has come.
This is some new art for an unannounced card, but one that was a favorite from one of the team. We can some traditional style patterning on the garb of this individual, but very clearing this is pushing the technology on the plane.
The scene here is of some sort of club, where this person is spinning records with their mechanical arms. There’s a lot of cool pyrotechnics from the shoulders, and even the tables themselves. There’s a lot of holograms for the controls for the turn table as well, which is pretty neat. I’m going to assume that this is a red card, but I have NO idea what this would even do.
READ MORE: How to Watch the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Kick-Off Live Stream
If this is the kinds of tech that we’re seeing exist on Kamigawa, what other things would you want to see? Let us know in the comments!