1, Sep, 24

MTG Duskmourn Face Commanders Show Surprising Potential

Article at a Glance

Pax West 2024 just dropped a huge Duskmourn announcement, and Commander players weren’t left out. Four new Commander decks are coming in Duskmourn, and all four Face Commanders for these decks were officially revealed in their entirety.

With a variety of different themes and characters being represented, these decks certainly look interesting. If you’re like us, and were enraptured by the uniqueness of Duskmourn’s lore, these Commander Precons should be quite exciting.

Zimone, Mystery Unraveler

Zimone, Mystery Unraveler looks incredibly powerful. This is our pick for the most impressive Commander of the face Commanders for Duskmourn, but you do need to build around Zimone a bit to make her work.

Zimone is basically capable of cheating in anything – should you find it at the top of your deck. Manifest Dread is a new Duskmourn mechanic, offering card selection and a Manifested body. Zimone’s ability to both flip up face-down permanents and provide face-down permanents for her to flip with Landfall makes her an incredible machine.

With a Fetch Land and some topdeck fixing, like Brainstorm, it’s easy to Manifest a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth with the first landfall ability, and then flip it with the second ability. You don’t even need to do this with creatures. Cheating in an Omniscience the same way is easy, occurring as early as turn five considering you don’t have any ramp, which you should since this is a Landfall Commander.

You can play Zimone all kinds of different ways. Cheating in gigantic permanents is likely the most powerful, but face-down cards can cook up all kinds of shenanigans. Zimone, Mystery Unraveler can be found in the aptly-named Jump Scare Commander precon.

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Aminatou, Veil Piercer

Aminatou, Veil Piercer is the Commander of the Miracle Worker deck, focusing on Miracles and Enchantments. We expect this deck to leverage some Eerie payoffs alongside some Room enchantments from the new set.

While this deck has an enchantment subtheme, Aminatou allows players to turn any enchantment into a Miracle spell. For four mana, this Commander seems mediocre at best. You need to untap with Aminatou for it to provide any value, which means that you don’t accomplish anything should someone kill it before you get back to your turn. Aminatou doesn’t provide any concrete ramp or card advantage either; only card selection and the odd Miracle cast of a large enchantment ahead of time. We’re not too fond of this Commander, which is a shame considering how powerful Aminatou is in MTG’s lore.

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Winter, Cynical Opportunist

Similar to Aminatou, Winter, Cynical Opportunist can cheat big things into play ahead of time. As long as you exile cards with four or more card types from among them on your end step, you get to cheat a permanent from among those into play.

Winter doesn’t really provide card advantage or ramp, similar to Aminatou, which is a point against the Commander. Winter, however, can be very effective if built around. It enables itself should you get to attack with it, and cheating something massive into play can be quite powerful.

We hope to see multiple cards with multiple card types in this deck. This will not only make Delirium very easy to enable for other payoffs in the 99, but Winter will also be able to reanimate permanents while only exiling a few cards. For four mana, this Commander has some promise, but pales in comparison to the last two face Commanders in Duskmourn’s precon decks.

Winter, Cynical Opportunist helms the Golgari Death Toll Commander deck that features a graveyard theme.

Valgavoth, Horrower of Souls

Magic’s biggest supervillain is back, and Valgavoth is just as terrifying as his lore suggests, even in this much smaller Commander version.

This Commander is meant to represent Valgavoth growing after a molt. It is a demonic moth, after all. As the card gets bigger from its triggered ability, it gains more power. When Valgavoth dies, he is simply going into another molt, ready to return, more powerful and disturbing than ever.

Valgavoth is a threat that grows as your opponents suffer. You also get to draw cards each time someone suffers, making this seem like a much more powerful Commander than both Winter and Aminatou. The Ward plays double duty, allowing Valgavoth to replace itself with its triggered ability should an opponent point targeted removal at it.

We are very impressed with Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls, and we expect to be quite powerful. If you, like us, want to give Valgavoth a try, you can find it as the face Commander of the Endless Punishment Commander deck.

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