20, Apr, 21

Why Modal Double-Faced Cards Should Be Allowed In Mono-Colored Commander Decks

With so many great MDFCs around now, we think it's time to add in some more rules to Commander.
Article at a Glance

Now, there’s been a lot of talk about how hybrid mana symbols should be viewed in Commander, and while we have views on that, we’re not going to weigh in just yet.

Instead, we want to talk to you about Modal Double-Faced Cards (MDFCs from this point on), and why they should have their own Commander rulings introduced. Also, a big shout out to @ghirapurigears for sparking this idea.

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MDFCs in Commander should be allowed in mono-colored decks


With MDFCs now in the majority of recent sets, it’s clear that this is a design space that Wizards are keen to keep exploring.

We like MDFCs a lot, and they’re an integral part of what makes Strixhaven such a great set for people who like a lot of choices on each card.

Given that you can cast either side of the card, we think they should be treated differently to previous versions of double-faced cards and that you should be able to use one side in Commander even if the other side doesn’t fit in your color identity.

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How could this work?


Now, you can obviously introduce this in your local group if you want to, but we’re talking about it becoming official. That means we want Wizards to come out and announce this is a rule now, because it seems odd to say otherwise for no real reason.

So, lets take Uvilda, Dean of Perfection, a Blue card, and Nassari, Dean of Expression, a Red card. Both of these cards come on the same piece of cardboard, they re one single card, but they don’t interact, nor do they need to.

In fact, while the two cards certainly have some synergies, you could very easily view them as being entirely separate, where it not for the fact that they are simply two sides of the same coi… card.

As such, we think that you should be allowed to have Uvilda in your Blue deck, or Nassari in your Red deck, assuming you’re not going to cast the other side. It’s not like that’s a hard thing to enforce either, we’re pretty sure everyone is going to call you on your nonsense if you suddenly cast a Blue card from your Red deck.

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Are there any downsides?


Now, we’re going to be objective about this, because there have been a lot of changes and it can start to feel like it’s a bit much. So, here are the downsides in a handy list:

  • More options
  • That’s it, that’s the list

As you can see thanks to our comprehensive list of issues, things really wouldn’t get worse for introducing this rule. While you can argue as you like about whatever you like, adding in more options only helps to make things more interesting, and if you’re playing Commander, then the chances are that you’re all about interesting anyway.

What do you think though? Which of the MDFCs would you want as a Commander for a mono-colored deck, and which ones would you want in the 99?

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