Adventures in Forgotten Realms
25, Jun, 21

Magic: The Gathering Head Designer Reveals More Details About Dungeons from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


On Thursday, Wizards of the Coast revealed the new Dungeon-venturing mechanic as well as new Magic: The Gathering cards from the upcoming Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, and while fans are excited about this innovate Dungeons & Dragons-inspired mechanic, some players have questions about the three Dungeon cards from the upcoming crossover set.

Thankfully, Magic head designer Mark Rosewater and Wizards of the Coast have answered questions about how the new Dungeon-venturing mechanic works, and if there will be more Dungeon cards in the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander pre-constructed decks.

Will there be more dungeons in the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander decks?

Wizards of the Coast

On his Blogatog, Rosewater confirmed that the three dungeon cards revealed are the only Dungeons that will be available with the release of the entire Adventures in the Forgotten Realms product line, so that means players won’t find any exclusive dungeon cards from the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander pre-constructed decks.

Wizards of the Coast

What if more Dungeon cards are introduced later on? Will players be able to venture into them?

“If more dungeons are made later on, you’ll be able to venture into them as well,” Rosewater said in a separate post.

Since you don’t need to own a Dungeon to venture into it, can any token represent a Dungeon?

Wizards of the Coast

“You need to have the correct information of how it works,” Rosewater responded to a fan. “As long as that’s true, I guess you can use whatever token you wish. I’m not 100% on this though.”

What about concerns about the new Dungeons mechanic being “too parasitic”?

When a fan brought up their concern about how the Dungeon-venturing mechanic is considered parasitic, Rosewater replied, “We make parasitic mechanics all the time, and many of them are very popular. The issue is to not put too many parasitic mechanics in a single set.”

I think the new mechanic is great, and the decision to limit the choices to three Dungeons for now seems balanced. Yesterday, Wizards confirmed that Dungeons are “plentiful” so you won’t need to draft them or need to add them to your sealed pool to access them.


Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Teasers From Magic: The Gathering Head Designer Mark Rosewater are Here!

Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is set to release for tabletop worldwide on July 23, 2021; you can check out all the details about the upcoming set here. It’s also set to release on Magic: The Gathering Arena and Magic Online a week earlier. The Adventures in the Forgotten Realms products are now available for preorder.

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