Today, Wizards of the Coast has announced its plans for Magic: The Gathering, revealing the upcoming products, and the upcoming Netflix series. The company also revealed its plans for more crossover products with other IPs, including The Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 20,000, Street Fighter, and Fortnite.
These crossovers are part of Universes Beyond — a series that fuses the gameplay of Magic: The Gathering with worlds, characters, and stories that are cherished by millions of people around the world. However, as expected from the Magic community, there’s a mixed reaction to the newly-announced Secret Lair products that will feature characters from Street Fighter and Fortnite, and they’ve shared their thoughts on Wizards’ decision to bring these video games to the popular card game.
According to Wizards, there will be two Fortnite-themed special Secret Lair drops consisting reprints “like you’ve never seen them”.
As for the Street Fighter crossover, Wizards will be releasing a Secret Lair drop in 2022 featuring iconic characters to help celebrate the fighting game’s 35th anniversary next year.
Related: The Lord of the Rings Magic: The Gathering Set is Coming in 2023
Fans’ Reactions to Fortnite and Street Fighter MTG crossovers
Over on Twitter, fans have shared their reactions to the unexpected crossover with Fortnite and Street Fighter, with many of them criticizing the decision to cross-over with Epic Games’ famous battle royale game. However, others have welcomed the crossovers,
Check out the reactions from Twitter below:
MTG fans after hearing about an upcoming Fortnite set
— Sai (@Oxyto_sai) August 24, 2021
— Ryan I guess (big nuts) (@RyRyinRed) August 24, 2021
it's very cool that they added Chun Li from fortnite to mtg!
— ????Zoey???? (@zoigoms) August 24, 2021
I was elated and over the moon about the upcoming #mtg Kamigawa cyberpunk set. Only to be brought down and hate everything with the Fortnite Secret Lair announcement.
— Dasuyun "SasquatchSenpai" (@SasquatchSenpai) August 24, 2021
like, I don’t have anything against Fortnite per se, I just don’t feel it fits the flavour and setting #MtG has/should have for my feeling. What I am glad for though is that the cards are not mechanically unique.
— Tim Gaedke – angry and tired ???????? (@doppeltim) August 24, 2021
mtg fortnite is going to turn me into one of those cranks who insists on using an alternate term for being a nerd, to differentiate from the funkofied morass of modern nerd culture
— dj gun pussy (@TheWeightOfUwU) August 24, 2021
mtg making these brand-crossover secret lairs honestly feels really cringe
— emmie :3 (@YourSharkGF) August 24, 2021
i get the appeal but it’s. not appealing for having someone play counterspell with a fortnite reference officially on the card
i for one think our beloved mtg community will be significantly less toxic now that we've added fortnite ????
— Lizbeth Eden, bene gesserit witch (@LizbethEden) August 24, 2021
Lord of the Rings set legal in Modern, Fortnite Secret Lair, D&D infecting everything… can we go back to the first 15 minutes of the stream when I was excited for Innistrad and in-store play? As opposed to whatever pessimism all of this has introduced. #mtg
— André Treiber (@andrebttx) August 24, 2021
Fortnite secret lair MTG ? I'm so done with this game. The DnD set with Drizzt gave me brief hope, but oh so brief. I also cannot fathom Jace being hit by a Shoryuken from Ryu.
— Seventhson (@SeventhSonx) August 24, 2021
My current stance is that while I personally don't like non-MTG IPs in the game, I want people to have fun. If this excites people then great!
— Tomer Abramovici (@BudgetCommander) August 24, 2021
The last thing I would want to do is make people feel bad for being excited about something. The point is to have fun!
I don't really get why people are so tilted about the crossovers with mtg
— Shar (@Pocketsharkk) August 24, 2021
Just… don't buy the stuff? If you really want stuff from one of the crossover IPs but can't stand getting Fortnite cards, just wait and buy singles.
Didn't think I had to write that one down.
The only thing I can see is the hope of getting kids more involved in MTG but secret lair isn’t exactly kid friendly product. So meh overall.
— Wesley (@TheWesleyHuff) August 24, 2021
Ironically Hasbro wants MTG to become basically what Fortnite is
— Dr. John Wayne Vercingetorix (the real one) (@MinstrelYusa) August 24, 2021
A gray slop corporate Brand™ whose primary purpose is being a hub of crossover shit with other Brands™
Because magic is now connected to fortnite, magic is also connected to everything fortnite is connected to. MTG Marvel characters confirmed. Oh and Mario time
— Ultra (@MTGUltra) August 24, 2021
And here’s my own reaction:
People are surprised about the Fortnite MTG crossover? Magic has pretty much become like Fortnite – a crossover melting pot filled with a bunch of popular IPs. #magicthegathering #fortnite #SecretLair #mtgarena
— Jake Vyper (@JakeVyper) August 24, 2021
Are you excited for the upcoming Fortnite and Street Fighter Secret Lairs? Let us know what you think in the comments section below, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.