29, Jun, 21

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Spoilers Reveal Magic: The Gathering Cards With RPG-Themed Choices

Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons are crossing over in an epic way this summer, when the upcoming Adventures in the Forgotten Realms set releases, and today, Wizards of the Coast is kicking off the spoiler season with a bunch of fresh previews showcasing the expansion’s roleplaying-inspired elements. In addition to the dungeons and dragons elements of the D&D-themed MTG set, and the early spoilers revealed today, various cards with RPG-themed choices have been revealed, bringing the experience we love about Dungeons & Dragons to Magic.

Below, you’ll see a list of cards that give you choices, and each scenario has action names that add roleplaying elements to the cards.

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms spoilers with RPG-themed choices

Wizards of the Coast

You See a Guard Approach


You Come to a River


Dawnbringer Cleric


You Hear Something on Watch


Fifty Feet of Rope


Gelatinous Cube

Wizards of the Coast

You See a Pair of Goblins

Wizards of the Coast

Choose Your Weapon


I’m really enjoying how Wizards of the Coast is blending what we love about Dungeons & Dragons in this set. I just hope we get more cards with dice-rolling effects to give us more of that tabletop RPG feel. Expect more spoilers to come out this week.

What do you think about these new Adventures in the Forgotten Realms cards with RPG-themed choices? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Related: Magic: Legends Shutting Down Just Months After Open Beta Launch

Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms is set to release for tabletop worldwide on July 23, 2021. You can check out the spoilers here. It’s also set to release on Magic: The Gathering Arena and Magic Online a week earlier. The Adventures in the Forgotten Realms products are now available for preorder.

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