Chord of Calling | Secret Lair | Art by Kekai Kotaki
28, Jan, 25

Wizards of the Coasts Reveals Hatsune Miku Secret Lair After Accidental Leak

Universes Beyond IPs have taken over Magic: The Gathering. Like it or not, IPs from alien places attract new audiences, allowing Magic to grow as a property. While many would like more resources allocated to Magic’s actual IP, visits to other IPs are undeniably successful. Universes Beyond Secret Lair products, for instance, have proven to consistently sell out quickly.

Hatsune Miku has made multiple appearances in Secret Lair drops to date. The first two Secret Lairs for Hatsune Miku sold out incredibly quickly, while the third took a bit longer than usual. It appears that a fourth Hatsune Miku Secret Lair is now on its way, but that hasn’t been 100% confirmed yet.

The MTG Secret Lair Twitter account allegedly posted a reveal for a new Hatsune Miku Secret Lair before hastily taking it down. Whether or not that is true, the post did return later this evening which confirms the authenticity of this Secret Lair.

New Hatsune Miku Secret Lair!

Last week, the MTG Secret Lair Twitter account posted for the first time in 2025. This post was to reveal the brand-new Festival in a Box, which is now launching next week. Ahead of this launch, Wizards posted again today to officially confirm the Festival in a Box’s contents and its $199.99 price tag.

While this all should have been pretty straightforward, it seems Wizards got some of their wires crossed. Alongside the Festival in a Box post, Wizards reportedly revealed the upcoming Hatsune Miku Secret Lair drop, albeit only briefly. The post has since returned the same evening, confirming the authenticity of the Secret Lair.

Swan Song is undeniably the most interesting card in this Secret Lair, available for about $12 at the cheapest on the secondary market. Existing Secret Lair variants of this card, however, go for as much as $18. Besides being a common card to see in higher power Commander games, Swan Song also makes occasional competitive appearances in Modern and Pioneer. This card’s efficiency is very difficult to beat.

Scrying Sheets is a particularly interesting reprint from Coldsnap. The card only has one printing, granting it a secondary market value of $5. If you’re running a deck with a focus on Snow permanents, Scrying Sheets is an incredible card. The card advantage possible with this utility land is staggering if built around.

Unfortunately, there aren’t exactly a ton of snow permanents in Magic: The Gathering. This means that, at best, Scrying Sheets will pop up in very focused Commander strategies. A proper reprint would likely drive this card’s price into the ground.

Multiple Duds

The rest of the cards offered in this Secret Lair are disappointing. Youthful Valkyrie was recently reprinted in MTG Foundations, meaning that the card isn’t experiencing a massive amount of demand at the moment. The same goes for Giada, Font of Hope, which did not need another printing after such a recent reappearance. These cards, at least, can appear in the same themed Commander and Standard decks.

Counterspell is not an expensive card, but it is a very good one. The card has been around for ages, and does see play across formats. As a result, premium versions of Counterspell tend to have decent secondary market prices despite the fact that you can find Counterspell for a dollar or less.

Finally, Brago, King Eternal is a very strong Commander, but a very inexpensive card. Only worth $1, Hatsune Miku’s Brago reskin will be the most expensive variant of this card. This is also likely to be the most powerful way to have Hatsune Miku pilot your Commander deck.

The Verdict

If this Hatsune Miku Secret Lair is real, is it worth purchasing from a financial standpoint? The answer depends on what your definition of worthwhile is. Chances are that this Hatsune Miku Secret Lair will be worth whatever price it sells for. Cards that represent different IPs consistently do well on the secondary market, meaning that these Hatsune Miku printings are very likely to go for a premium. In terms of raw reprint value, this Secret Lair is not impressive. Swan Song and Scrying Sheets are decent reprints, but the rest of this Secret Lair is disappointing.

That said, the Bonus Slot could seriously increase the expected value of this Secret Lair. Many MTG players expect the Snapcaster Mage that appeared in previous Hatsune Miku Secret Lairs to be an error. Instead of being an incredibly rare Bonus Card, they expect the Snapcaster Mage actually to be an intended part of this Secret Lair.

If that is the case, the ludicrous $600 asking prices for the rare Bonus Card are likely to fall. The card should become much more accessible than it previously was, dropping the value of the card. That said, this Snapcaster Mage will likely continue to be worth a decent amount.

Currently, there’s no telling whether or not this supposed leak is actually the real deal. Thankfully, it shouldn’t be long until we find out for sure. According to the Twitter screenshot, this Secret Lair is due to be released on February 10th. Should this post be legitimate, an official announcement may be imminent, but we’ll just have to wait and see about that.

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