12, Aug, 24

What Are the New MTG Room Cards?

Bloomburrow cards are out in full force and are making a massive impact on Standard and beyond. Interestingly, despite the fact that Bloomburrow cards have only been available on Magic Online and MTG Arena for roughly two weeks, spoiler season for Duskmourn is only a few weeks away. Duskmourn, a unique 80s-style horror set, looks like a nice contrast to Bloomburrow’s cute animal aesthetics.

Back in June, we got a glimpse at what Duskmourn was all about thanks to the First Look preview. From intriguing artwork to special card treatments, Duskmourn looks really cool.

One neat aspect of Duskmourn that was revealed during the First Look was the introduction of Rooms as MTG cards. A couple gorgeous, yet haunting backgrounds were showcased as Rooms, but with minimal information available about what these cards entailed. This led to a lot of speculation within the community. Well, while things are still quite open-ended, we know now that these Rooms, in fact, do NOT make up a new card type.

What We Know

Up to this point, no Rooms have been spoiled for Duskmourn. The only description we were given during the First Look stated that Rooms would be making an appearance, with the implication that they have the ability to change form in some regard. Each Room “seems to have a mind of its own” and “keeps changing.”

This definitely leaves a lot of room for speculation (no pun intended). Early on, some players thought that there was a chance Rooms would be a completely new card type, like battles. According to head designer Mark Rosewater in response to a recent Blogatog post, Rooms will not be a new card type. This implies that they will most likely be a new subtype associated with a mainstay card type, like enchantment or land.

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Potential Options

Now that we know Rooms aren’t a new card type entirely, the most likely scenario seems to be that they are either enchantments, lands, or battles. This is, in large part, because these three card types do a particularly good job of displaying artistic backgrounds like the images shown above. Lands are a bit of an obvious option, but enchantments and battles certainly have merit to host this new subtype.

The magical nature of the house itself that the characters are navigating could easily signal that each Room is an Enchantment. On top of that, the division within both pieces of art shown above may mean that if players meet a certain condition, something about the Room changes. In this way, Rooms could have some similarities to Cases or Classes, which are other enchantment subtypes.

My personal hope, however, is that Rooms are found on battle cards. First of all, as Reddit user Will_29 points out, battles have historically showcased horizontal art similar to that of the artwork above. Plus, in a set with Delirium confirmed as a mechanic, having an uncommon card type make an appearance does make perfect sense.

Battle cards, by nature, make a transformation once all defense counters are removed. It would be both intriguing and logical that characters entering unknown rooms of this scary house would be presented with challenges to overcome. Once defeated, the environment would become safer, much like Escape Rooms in real life. This landscape change could definitely be what the split in both art pieces is depicting.

There are a lot of different directions Wizards of the Coast can take these Room cards. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for any new information that comes out in the coming weeks.

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