Brash Taunter | Secret Lair
10, May, 24

The Most Cursed Secret Lair Drop Ever Has Been Revealed

Article at a Glance

Since its creation, the Secret Lair sub-brand has been responsible for creating some utterly gorgeous pieces of artwork. Between the always stellar Artist Series drops to the deeply stylized creations, Secret Lair truly has it all. Secret Lair has even had its fair share of unique themes and aesthetics that require more specific tastes.

As much as some past Secret Lair drops have been divisive, nothing holds a candle to this latest drop. Dubbed Goblingram, this Secret Lair may be the most cursed drop to ever exist. Seemingly both loved and hated in equal measure, it’s hard not to take psychic damage just looking at this drop.

With that said, be warned, there are some very provocative goblins ahead…

The Goblingram Secret Lair Drop

Brash Taunter | Goblin Cheiftain

Once your head has stopped reeling from looking upon these cursed cards, the inspiration for the Goblingram drop is obvious. As if the name didn’t give it away enough, these cards are inspired by Instagram. Specifically, Wizards is paying homage to the overly posy shamelessly gaudy posts that were the rage back in the 2010s. 

Within the Goblingram Secret Lair drop you can find the following five cards.

  • Brash Taunter
  • Goblin Chieftain
  • Goblin Ringleader
  • Goblin Welder
  • Mogg War Marshal

Costing $29.99, or $39.99 for the foil version, this Secret Lair drop is sadly far from spectacular. In a running trend, this drop’s cards don’t match the price you’re required to pay. Running almost $9 shy of breaking even, you’ll really have to want the art on display to part with your hard-earned cash. At least the art for Goblingram is striking, to say the least.

In terms of value, the highest performer, by far, is Goblin Welder. Initially printed in Urza’s Legacy, this card sees a fair amount of play in both Commander and Legacy. In the latter format, Goblin Welder is a core part of Painter Grindstone decks, as they facilitate fantastic graveyard synergies. On their own, a copy of Goblin Welder will currently set you back around $17.

Sadly, after this strong start, the prices for this drop’s cards drop off sharply. The next most expensive card is Goblin Chieftain which clocks in at just $3. Lagging even further behind, the rest of the drop’s cards don’t even scrape $0.50 each. In total, the value of this Secret Lair drop tots up to a middling $21.50.

Faltering Foils

Goblin Ringleader | Goblin Welder

Sadly, as the subheading above suggests, the foil value of the Goblingram drop is similarly lackluster. Falling behind by over $10 this time, there’s sadly no hidden rarely-reprinted gem to boost prices. In fact, this drop’s best card manages to take a hit, as foil Goblin Welders are actually around $2 cheaper!

Thankfully, the foil value of the Goblingram drop isn’t a complete flop as a few other cards do increase in price. Most notably, Goblin Chieftain is worth around $8.45 as a foil, which isn’t too bad. Brash Taunter also gets a little more expensive as a foil, however, they only increase to around $3.50.

Ultimately, the Goblingram drop just isn’t good from a value perspective, but that’s hardly what matters here. Considering it’s so striking, obviously the art for this Secret Lair drop is going to be the selling point. In theory, this could cause these cards to be worth a great deal on the secondary market, depending on scarcity.

Alternatively, should MTG players not actually want these cursed cards in their decks, they may be surprisingly cheap. Right now, it’s anyone’s guess whether or not the Goblingram Secret Lair drop will actually sell out once its sale begins. For reference, the Goblingram drop, along with the rest of the Spring Superdrop 2024, goes on sale on May 13th.

Decidedly Divided

Mogg War Marshal

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Wizards of the Coast revealed the Goblingram Secret Lair drop, players were pretty shocked. Across social media, like u/Kyleometers were quick to remark how “this is the dumbest idea for a Secret Lair.” At the same time, many players like Kyleometers went on to say “Honestly, I kinda dig it? Like I hate it with fervor. But I also love it?”

While a lot of players were split over the Goblingram Secret Lair, some players just outright hated it. Reddit user u/Contrago, for instance, commented “I wish I could unsee this,” while u/sodakid1919 remarked this is the “First Secret Lair I’d pay money for them not to make.” Overall, it’s safe to say MTG players are pretty divided over whether or not this Secret Lair is actually good.

Outside of the myriad comments about the visuals, some MTG players had a different issue with the Goblingram drop. Rather than hating the artwork, u/thinkforgetfull was baffled that “The rules text is cut off.” Asking “Why is the rules text cut off. Especially on Goblin Welder,” thinkforgetfull had a good point as these are hardly vanilla creatures.

Ultimately, for better and for worse, Secret Lair drops don’t need to contain all the rules text for a card. An extreme example of this is the Poker Faces drop, also from the Spring 2024 Superdrop. Being almost completely devoid of text, owning these cards essentially requires you to know what they do, and be willing to explain them too. Ultimately, since Secret Lair cards are optional reprints, this is a problem you bring upon yourself.

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