Everything We Know About MTG’s Innistrad: Crimson Vow – Release Date, Previews & More
11, Oct, 21

New MTG Product Delayed Ahead of Pre-Release Events

In an announcement today, Wizards of the Coast has confirmed that one of the new Innistrad: Crimson Vow products will be delayed ahead of the November 12 Prerelease date. Wizards confirmed that production issues are causing the delays for Crimson Vow Set Boosters. Players should expect that Set Boosters will be delayed all through the release on the 19th, and prerelease prize support should be in Draft Boosters.

Other products, such as Draft Boosters, Collectors Boosters, and Prelease Kits are not effected by this delay. This comes as another instance in a string of production delays running back to mid pandemic.

What other Sets have been delayed

Throughout the pandemic, various product releases have been delayed across the world. Starting back in mid 2020, various Core 2021 products, Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition, and Jumpstart products had some form of production issues that cause either delays or shipped quantity issues.

In Early 2021, Strixhaven: School of Mages had delays in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, United States and Canada. Then just a couple months ago, various production delays caused Draft Boosters for Innistrad: Midnight Hunt to be unavailable for release day in many Asia-Pacific Countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

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Hopefully, these production delays won’t cause too many more issues in the upcoming 2022 line up of products. There’s a lot of great sets coming up and we don’t want to miss any of it.

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