21, Sep, 24

MTG Players Raise Concerns About Unusual Mystery Booster 2 Trend

Back at Gen Con in August, Wizards of the Coast announced and technically released, Mystery Booster 2. This unique booster product contains a massive number of intriguing reprints for players to get their hands on. In addition to traditional designs, each Mystery Booster 2 pack contains a slot for a white-bordered card, a futureshifted card, and a playtest test card. This should make cracking packs an even more enjoyable experience than usual.

Mystery Booster 2 boxes first became available for purchase with the release of the Festival in a Box at MagicCon Las Vegas on August 19th. Players have just begun receiving their boosters, and there’s already a strange trend going on relating to the contents of many of the boxes. Many players are suggesting that there may be issues with the collation of white-bordered cards.

The Issue at Hand

As people are starting to crack open their booster boxes, one player, Captain_Stretchy, took to Reddit to share something strange. Captain_Stretchy reportedly bought two booster boxes and showcased their white-bordered pulls above. As you can see, there are duplicates of nearly every card. This suggests that the white-bordered cards they received from each box were nearly identical.

In theory, while this should technically be possible, it should be rather rare for boxes to be this similar. After all, there are 121 different white-bordered cards to collect, and each booster box only has 24 packs.

Interestingly, based on Reddit comments, the player who made the post isn’t the only person to have opened nearly the same assortment of white-bordered cards. As it turns out, a lot of players responded making similar claims. Obviously, we don’t have a ton of data to go off of, but this pattern is rather staggering, nonetheless.

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Collation Complaints

While the white-bordered pulls showcased were actually pretty decent from a financial perspective (Wasteland and Urza’s Saga are highly sought after, for instance), the trend itself raised some complaints among the player base. Reddit user McDerface pointed out how he wishes all booster boxes were “truly random.”

According to thesixler, they had a similar experience back with the original Kamigawa block, where they received two booster boxes with the exact same rares in both. They mentioned that collation problems made it less enticing to buy sealed product for years and that it’s upsetting to see an eerily similar trend popping up now.

It’s unusual to see this much repetition in a card slot that features so many different options to open. It’s still very early on in the shipment process of Mystery Booster 2, but this is certainly something to keep an eye on.

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