20, Jan, 25

MTG Aetherdrift Spoiler Season Kickoff Starts Tomorrow

Even though prerelease for Innistrad Remastered just passed, we’re quickly speeding into Aetherdrift’s spoiler season. Beginning this Tuesday, Magic’s first Standard-legal tentpole set of 2025 is just around the corner. Here’s everything you need to know about the kickoff to Aetherdrift spoiler season.

Aetherdrift Spoiler Season Kickoff

Tuesday at 11:00 AM EST, Weekly MTG will host the kickoff to MTG Aetherdrift spoiler season. Generally, following a set’s Debut Livestream, Blake Rasmussen sits down to reveal more spoilers for the new set.

So far, we know only of a few spoilers, and some overarching themes for the set. Beyond this, the entire story for the set has been completed today. So, if you want to prepare yourself for the spoiler season as much as possible, we would recommend starting there.

So far, we only have four spoilers from MTG Aetherdrift. Brightglass Gearhulk looks the most exciting of the bunch, capable of finding a whole swath of different cards. While a Selesnya deck didn’t really exist in Standard’s environment when the Gearhulk was spoiled, Selesnya Cage is now an archetype that, with some adjustment, Brightglass Gearhulk could be excellent in. Otherwise, the card looks powerful enough to see play in the Pioneer format, as well.

The other spoilers aren’t too exciting but do look viable in Commander. Daretti’s desparking gives another powerful option for that 2014 Commander precon, but could also be a boon for any red Commander deck trying to reanimate artifacts from the graveyard. Lifecraft Engine, the Box-Topper for Aetherdrift, looks like a great addition to any typal decks in Commander. If Standard’s Foundations typal strategies are finally good enough to see play, Lifecraft Engine will be a big part of it.

We also know that two Commander precons will be appearing with Aetherdrift. This is certainly less than usual but could help inform what appears tomorrow. Notably, Energy looks to be returning for the third time in recent Commander decks, which could mean that there are some upgrades for recent Precons.

Tune in Tomorrow!

Aetherdrift looks like an interesting MTG set so far, and from how the story has evolved, it truly seems like this race is setting up for something bigger. The story also suggests the appearance of some characters that MTG players may not expect.

Either way, between Commander, Standard, and even Pioneer, Aetherdrift should have something for everyone. Since Aetherdrift does become legal in the middle of a Regional Championship season, it has the potential to even affect Modern.

Even if you aren’t around for Wizards of the Coast’s kickoff stream, we’ll have everything you need to know here. Be sure to check back to see the best of Magic’s latest Standard legal set!

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