15, Apr, 21

Magic: Legends New Update Comes With Hundreds of Bug Fixes & Gameplay Improvements

Magic: Legends, the ARPG from Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios, has been making significant improvements since its PC Open Beta launched last month, and the latest update is the biggest one yet.

Servers for the Magic: Legends PC Open Beta are temporarily down for maintenance, but the game’s official website has released the list of changes coming with the biggest update yet, and it includes hundreds of bug fixes and Quality of Life (QoL) improvements. Note that in context of video games, QoL refers to features or aspects of game design that ensure players have a smooth gameplay experiences.

The free-to-play game has received negative reviews due to these bugs, with Twitch streamer Sean “Day9” Plott criticizing Magic: Legends during his stream, and others complaining about the ARPG’s bugs and other performance issues, so hopefully, these changes will improve the overall gameplay experience.

Magic: Legends Mid-April 2021 Update Notes

Perfect World Entertainment / Cryptic Studios

You can check out all the changes that comes with the latest Magic: Legends update below:

  • Resolved the issue where Spell Packs of a specific color could be used even if you did not have that color
  • Resolved the missing health floaters
  • Creature’s and enemies are now more responsive in engagements
  • Planeswalker collision removed
    • This should resolve the issue where other Planeswalkers could block your path
  • General dialogue and voice over improvements throughout the game
  • Pathing improvements
    • Navmesh improvements throughout the game
    • Collision improvements throughout the game
  • Resolved an issue where Spell Pages were being referred to as Spell Shards in some areas
  • Low quality graphics settings disable shadows
  • Initial graphics quality setting for new Planeswalkers determined by automated test of GPU.
  • Resolved an issue with Reflect
    • Reflect region enchantment was scaling incorrect causing it to deal an insane amount of damage
  • Adjusted the reliquary ping sound
  • Improved server stability when controlling large numbers of creatures
  • Currency Multipliers now are correctly counted towards currency caps.
  • The first class unlock on the realm is now free
    • If you’ve already unlocked a class, your next one will be free 


  • Tutorial:
    • General improvements to the initial cutscene
    • Removed the Reward Screen displaying at the end of the tutorial
  • Event
    • Mana Rig Mayhem:
      • Resolved an issue that was causing decrease server performance
      • Resolved an issue where the reset for the daily would be at random times
  • Realm:
    • Added class decks to class unlocks
      • Unlocking an additional class will now come with its deck. 
        • Anyone who has unlocked additional classes already either through the realm, or store will automatically be granted their respective starter deck.
    • General polish for the lands in your Realm
    • General visual effects adjustments to your Realm.
    • Library general tooltip fix ups
    • Resolved the issue with being stuck in combat while in the realm due to the training dummies
    • The Mana Vault now requires the Workshop first
    • The lands art has been updated
    • Resolved an issue where repeatable projects had a misleading “collect” button
  • Sanctum:
    • Resolved some misspellings on different interacts throughout the sanctum
  • Benalia:
    • Benalia World intro:
      • Resolved an issue where Danitha’s head in their mini contact box was invisible
    • Benalia Overworld:
      • Benalia respawn points names have been adjusted to better match the neighborhood name
      • Resolved the landslide blocking a portion of the road
    • Benalia Ordeal 2: Purge the Darkness
      • Resolved the gold waypoint objective marker vanishing
    • Benalia Story 2: The Battle of Korlich Pass
      • Resolved an issue where some of the land would have no textures
  • Gavony:
    • Gavony Overworld:
      • Adjusted Skirmish ranks to display properly
      • Resolved an issue where Planeswalkers were unlocking the wrong fast travel points
      • Resolved Nani Oila’s Hut respawn 
      • Skirmishes:
        • Wrath of Volomir:
          • Resolved an issue where “Challenge the Werewolf that Killed Volomir in Moorland” would spawn an allied empowered enemy.
        • Corpse Cart Calamity:
          • Resolved an issue where the fire was missing
    • Gavony Story 1: Curse of Crussbourg
      • General UI improvements to the objective for a more clear understanding on the objective
      • Resolved an issue where the waypoint to enter the boss arena would point to the start of story.
      • Resolved an issue where certain enemies would spawn in unreachable areas
    • Gavony Story 3: Self-Preservation
      • Resolved an issue where Self-Preservation would have different naming conventions in the guide and on the map.
      • Nani Oula:
        • Resolved an issue where Nani Oula was missing her portrait
  • Tazeem:
    • General:
      • Resolved an issue where waypoints would disappear after disconnecting
    • Tazeem Overworld:
      • Resolved an issue where Planeswalkers could get stuck in a certain spot
      • Added wind to the Merfolk tents
    • Tazeem Story 1: Wild Energies
      • Decreased the boss event shield
    • Tazeem Story 2: Divisive Rumblings
      • Decreased the time it takes for Noyan Dar to lower his shield
      • Resolved an issue where certain trees could potentially block the camera
    • Tazeem Ordeal 2: Surface Tensions
      • Resolved an issue where Planeswalkers were unable to complete the Ordeal if they did not defeat any Lullmages at Camp Clearings.
  • Tolaria
    • Tolaria World Intro:
      • Environment improvements
      • Resolved an issue where two stage targeting indicator would not be visible
      • Removed the player “pog” visual during the intro cutscene
    • Tolaria Overworld:
      • Resolved an issue where enemies would sometimes stop spawning
      • Resolved an issue where the the Tolaria Overworld Tailor was not interactable
      • Resolved an issue where two stage targeting indicator would not be visible
      • Resolved multiple areas where fading didn’t happen depending on the camera angle
      • Resolved an issue where upon death you’d spawn in a reliquary or the banished place
      • Resolved an issue where the ocean would sometimes have an off color
      • Skirmishes:
        • General:
          • Resolved an issue where special skirmishes would not function properly once completed the first time
          • Resolved an issue where the Academy Instruments border visual would still appear, even after the skirmish is completed
        • Invasive Experiment Major Skirmish:
          • General environment improvements
        • Campus Tour:
          • Resolved an issue where the skirmish could not be completed due to an unreachable opponent.
    • Tolaria Story 1: The Forbidden Vault
      • The breach in the wall now has fire to indicate the Planeswalker cannot progress yet
      • Barrier collision has been reworked to better match the effects
      • General collision pass throughout the environment
      • Resolved an issue where Valda interrupts Khalia’s contact
      • Adjusted the camarid eggs to not be floating
      • Added missing Mist FX
    • Tolaria Ordeal 1: Dreadnaught Defense
      • Dreadnaught defense balance pass
      • Resolved an issue where Tolaria: Dreadnought Defense would have different naming conventions on the map, and in the guide
      • Resolved an issue where contacts where playing repeatedly for each Planeswalker
      • Adjusted the AI Director spawns
    • Tolaria Story 2: Social Artifice
      • Resolved an issue where completing this story the first time would grant the incorrect spell
      • Adjusted the boss Hedron height
      • Adjusted the Hedron beams to be the correct height
      • Adjusted the Hedrom beams fx
      • Adjusted the amount of enemies that spawn when a pylon is deactivated
    • Tolaria Story 3: Like Minds
      • Metal hedrons deaths inconsistency has been improved 
      • Khalila:
        • Khalila is now invulnerable to the surrounding fire
        • Resolved an issue where the boss would sometimes reset
        • Resolved an issue where the boss would sometimes not aggro
  • Shiv:
    • Shiv Overworld:
      • Resolved an issue where dying in Shiv Overworld could potentially bring you to a place with no spawn points
    • Shiv World Intro:
      • The intro cutscene to Shiv has been adjusted and polished 
    • Shiv Story 2: Dragon in Chains
      • Resolved an issue where Darigaaz wouldn’t properly jump out of the hole at the end of the mission
    • Shiv Ordeal 2: Hunt for Vengeance
      • Resolved an issue where there were long stretches with no spawns
    • Shiv Story 3: Mana Rig
      • Resolved an issue where Gavon Deniz teleport would not sync up properly with his actions


  • General:
    • Resolved archer summons holding their weapons incorrectly 
      • Benalish Archer, Angel Archer , Fallen Skeleton Archers, Elf Archers
    • General improvement to the physics on enemy weapons
    • The camera when you enter boss arenas has been adjusted
    • Mana Whisp information bar now only shows the color they represent
    • Master Difficulty now rewards a consistent number of Eternal Echoes and Chromatic Mana
  • Modifiers:
    • Resolved an issue with Hypnotic Modifier – the stun timer will match the visual 
  • Artifacts:
    • Benalish Heirloom:
      • Resolved an issue where this artifact was granting swiftness at the same time as the added spawn instead of after
    • Bloodsoaked Altar:
      • Starting Life Loss increased from 15% to 20%
      • Demon Token duration decreased from 60 seconds to 20 seconds
        • Developer Note: This allows people to get a good burst of demons, but they have to work harder/create a build to keep them
    • Gilded Lotus:
      • Corrected the chance of the Petal dropping. It will now only drop from Champions+
    • Whip of Erebos
      • General visual improvements when creatures are being revived
      • Resolved an issue where creatures were not invulnerable and could be attacked before being on their feet again to attack. 
        • Often this would cause them to die before they were battle ready
  • Classes:
    • Beastcaller:
      • Resolved an issue with the Beastcaller Trait Primal Rage, where the effect was triggering for each target hit by a Sorcery rather than each cast of a Sorcery. Additionally, the description has been updatedl to use the keyword “Retaliate”, this is only a text update as it was already uisng “Retaliate” mechanically.
    • Dimir Assassin:
      • General:
        • Mana Surge now has a visual
    • Necromancer:
      • Spark Power:
        • Resolved an issue where the utility would display debug text
        • Resolved an issue with the Necromancer class unlock, Aether Absorption, where it was applying healing per target hit by a Sorcery spell rather than per cast of a Sorcery spell.
  • Spells:
    • General:
      • Updated the art for certain spells
  •   Resolved an issue where the follow spells were not being treated as Hazards:
    •          Wailing Souls
    •          Abyssal Flame
    •          Shadow Barrage
    •          Elemental Shatter
  • Green:
    • Greenwarden:
      •  Adjusted the Greenwarden to no longer stun bosses
  • Red Spells:
    • Earth Spike:
      • Resolved an issue where Earth Spike did not respect terrain height
      • Improved visual of Earth Spike
    • Magma Burst:
      • Resolved an issue where Magma Burst did not respect terrain height
      • Improved visual of Magma Burst
    • Seismic Grasp:
      • Resolved an issue where Seismic Grasp did not respect terrain height
    • Earth Elemental:
      • Resolved an issue where they would sometimes use the incorrect animations
    • Slag Strike:
      •          Spell progression visuals added
  • White Spells:
    • Revenge:
      • Visuals timing adjusted to match the animations
    • Lightshield Barrie:
      • Spell progression visuals added
    • Heavenly Assault:
      • Spell progression visuals added
  • Black & Blue:
    • Nightveil stalker stance and summon visual effects have been adjusted
  • Blue:
    • Glint:
      • Resolved a bug where Glint was drawing 8 spells. It will now only draw 1.
    • Telestrike:
      • Telestrike will now only land where you can path to
    • Spell Storm
      • Resolved an issue where Spell Storm would result in infinite mana. As a result the spell had to be reworked and the effect changed.
      • Rework:
        • “For X seconds, Sorceries you cast cost 25% less mana for each spell missing from your hand.”
  • Black:
    • Desecrate:
      • Resolved an issue where Desecrates sound would continually play until you’d teleport out of the map
      • Resolved an issue where the extra initial damage from sacrificing a create was applying exponentially based on number of targets hit by the hazard
    • Volatile Thrull:
      • Volatile Thrull no longer stand up after they die
    • Grim Revival:
      • Resolved an issue where the visual for resurrected creatures would not display
  • Enemies:
    • Cabal Cleric:
      • Resolved an issue where the Cabal Cleric was missing their weapons
    • Necromancer:
      • Resolved an issue where the Necromancer was missing their weapons.
  • Gear:
    • Amulet of Flourishing Darkness
      • Resolved an issue where the ring icon would overlap the text
    • Adjudicator’s Greaves
      • The custom Adaptive Mod for the Equipment piece “Adjudicator’s Greaves” has been rebalanced such that the max trigger chance is now 25% from 100% due to the prevalance of healing sources and the inclusion of teammates as targets. Additionally, an issue was addressed with the mod that could sometimes cause server instability.


  • General:
    • Planeswalkers can now view their health value by hovering over their health bar.
    • Resolved an issue where when you’d click toward the left side while in the party you’d select the party member and bring up the Planeswalker menu
    • Small Spell Page Packs now properly show they have 360 spell pages, not 720.
    • Resolved an issue where the Spark Power activation on UI would say “NOT BOUND” 
    • Resolved an issue in party/friends menu where once they swap classes the icon would not update properly
    • Resolved the filtering buttons in the library tab to no longer lose their icon if you click through them rapidly
    • Resolved an issue where the battlepass level up numbers indicator would be different sizes
    • Resolved an issue where tooltip numeric were incorrect on the join match screen
    • Resolved an issue where waypoints could vanish randomly
    • Resolved an issue where the spell pages would display incorrect upgrade progress
    • Loading screens general improvements
    • Removed the “Back” button tooltips
    • Resolved an issue where the overlay map would display lines
    • Spell Page Packs should now display the correct number of common pages it grants
    • Resolved an issue where loadout score buff would display decimals
    • Resolved an issue where the map would display multiple points for the same Planeswalker
    • Resolved an issue where completing an ordeal with 0 score would display the incorrect rewards screen.
    • Resolved an issue where mana towers and major skirmishes were using the minor skirmish icon on the map overlay
    • Resolved an issue where creature icons on the overlay map were large white dots
    • Resolved an issue where certain creature icons did not have any icon, or displayed default
      • One noticeable one was the Aether fox 
    • Updated the Social Panel((Esc) menu) to allow better access to the following:
      • Options
      • Map
      • Guide
      • Loadout
      • Library
      • Store
      • Wallet
      • Buy Zen
      • Help
      • Main Menu
  • Broker:
    • The broker now sorts the spell page similarly to the library
    • World Enchantment sliders now account for tiers
    • Trade tokens tooltip now describe which transactions use them
    • Correct amount of Trade Tokens consumed will show for each transaction
    • Trade Tokens are now required for Packs and Unlocks tab
  • Chat:
    • Adjusted Party chat to now be properly aligned in the brackets
  • Controller:
    • Resolved an issue where you couldn’t fast travel to a waypoint if a Planeswalker was on it
    • Resolved an issue where Loadout and Deck Slots purchasable item preview would cause the controller buttons to not be centered around the item
    • Resolved an issue where controller buttons were not centered for the battlepass
    • Resolved an issue where controller buttons were not centered when previewing Boost & Services items
    • Resolved an issue where those  on controllers could not access party options from the options menu
    • Resolved an issue where salvaging a World Enchantment would cause the controller to lose the ability to scroll
  • Library:
    • Creating a new deck sets that deck as active
  • Glossary:
    • Added a glossary button in the loadout class tab
      • This should give clarity on most buffs and debuffs in the game
  • Infusions:
    • Cabal Knight display icon resolved
    • Broodwidow icon resolved
  • Party:
    • Leave Party button is no longer displayed while in a match
  • Reporting:
    • Reporting now gives you feedback that they’re now ignored
  • Wallet:
    • Relic Fragments should now appear in the wallet
  • Tailor:
    • Pressing the Zen button on the tailor should now bring up the Zen purchase menu 
    • Removed debug text on certain outfits
    • Resolved missing items from the Tailor
  • Empyrean Store:
    • Resolved an issue where interrogate was listed twice


  • Battlepass:
    • Resolved an issue where killing a single enemy for the weekly objective for “Defeat enemies with sorceries of the color they are vulnerable to” was counting twice
    • The count tracker for “Defeat enemies with sorceries of the color they are vulnerable to” weekly objective should now track group kills with the correct effect
    • The count tracker for “Defeat enemies with damage over time effects and hazards” weekly objective should now track group kills with the correct effect
    • Resolved an issue where “Cast a spell of a specific color” was counting twice
    • Unlocking a creature skin from the battlepass now requires no reload/map change.
  •    Resolved an issue where the Shivan Dragon “On Summon” effect was not counting towards the Battlepass Weekly “Defeat or damage enemies using “On Summon” creature abilities.
  • Boosterpack:
    • General UI improvements to the reward tier information
  • Classes and Packs:
    • All classes purchased will now come with their deck
      • Anyone who has unlocked additional classes already either through the realm, or store will automatically be granted their respective starter deck.


  • Vindictive is still scaling incorrect making it deal insane amount of damage at higher difficulties
  • Spark Power Bar can sometimes give incorrect information immediately after usage
    • It does resolve itself after a certain time
  • Dimir Assassins cooldowns are currently not displaying for the Spark Power
  • Icicle does not hit some targets
  • Some skirmishes do not have music
  • World Enchantments do not list their effect rewards in tooltips or mission modifiers
  • Overworld difficulty map is currently missing its Region Enchantment information
  • Minicontacts can sometimes drop frames


Dimir Assassin Class in Magic: Legends – First Look

Magic: Legends Open Beta is now available for free for the PC. The ARPG set in the Multiverse of Magic: The Gathering is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year.

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