3, Sep, 24

Karlov Manor Case Sees 130% Price Increase Thanks to Duskmourn Hype

Case of the Locked Hothouse is seeing a price increase, and it shouldn’t be too shocking why. The card has always been strong in Commander, able to continually provide lands and cards from the top of your library. After seeing a price jump from $2.60 in mid-July to about $6 now, there’s a pretty good chance that the card is going to just continue spiking as we get into Duskmourn season.

Lands and Enchantments

Case of the Locked Hothouse does two things that Duskmourn cares about: play extra lands and play extra enchantments.

The enchantment themes in Duskmourn are all over the place. A new enchantment type can be found in Room cards, and Eerie awards players for having enchantments enter play. With the promise of heavy enchantment support coming in this set, it’s no wonder players are looking to start picking things up that play well in an enchantment theme.

Not only is Case of the Hothouse an enchantment itself, but its Solved ability lets you cast enchantments from the top of your library. Between that and playing lands, it can become quite difficult to run out of gas in a deck that is primarily enchantments. Solving Case of the Locked Hothouse is rather easy in a Commander setting. It’s rare that a game does not go past seven lands at a casual level, making solving this case an inevitability.

A Precon Upgrade

Duskmourn may not care about landfall as much as enchantments, but we know that it still does somewhat. Zimone appears as both a rare in the main set and as a face Commander in the Surprise Attack precon.

Case of the Locked Hothouse happens to play incredibly well with Zimone, Mystery Unraveler. This Commander cares about what’s on the top of your library and wants you to drop as many lands into play as possible. Case of the Locked Hothouse aids both of these goals. You get to drop extra lands, and cast spells from the top of your library in an effort to sculpt it. We talk more about this card in our article detailing all of the new Duskmourn face Commanders. In our opinion, this Commander looks the strongest of the bunch.

In a similar vein, it may be worthwhile to keep an eye on face-down synergy cards, as well as other cards like Case of the Locked Hothouse that can both play lands from your deck and grant extra land drops. Oracle of Mul Daya certainly comes to mind, but this card has seen a ton of extra printings lately and is by no means a sleeper card for Commander players.

Either way, Case of the Locked Hothouse has been rising in price this past month, and looks to be in a spot to see another surge in demand.

Read More: Duskmourn Adds The Best Doubling Effect Magic Has Seen Yet

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