8, Jan, 25

Unique Card Draw Engine Finds Perfect Home in Miracles Shell

Modern Horizons 3 is arguably the strongest set of all time. There are so many absurd powerhouses worth building around. Modern would look nothing like it does today without the presence of cards like Ocelot Pride and Psychic Frog.

Even still, there are some important role players from MH3 that have managed to sneak under the radar. These cards aren’t quite as game-breaking as the threats mentioned above, but can help lead to victory all the same with enough support.

One such example is Brainsurge. Brainsurge may not be as efficient as its counterpart, Brainstorm. Nonetheless, we’re starting to see Brainsurge make a name for itself in Modern and beyond. As we will see, there are plenty of ways to maximize the potent draw engine.

Brainsurge at a Baseline


On the surface, Brainsurge looks like an ordinary card advantage spell. However, just like Brainstorm, there are a number of things Brainsurge can do for you that a typical Divination-style effect can’t.

First and foremost, Brainsurge pairs perfectly with Fetchlands. After drawing four cards, you put back any two from your hand that you don’t like. This includes cards that you didn’t draw off Brainsurge. From there, you simply crack a Fetchland and shuffle those cards away.

This is a common function of Brainstorm in Legacy, and for control decks in Modern, it allows you to sculpt your hand based on the matchup you’re playing. Azorius and Jeskai control decks alike typically have a solid mix of removal and Counterspells. However, some spells, like Force of Negation or Spell Snare, are a bit narrow.

Brainsurge not only digs for your more effective cards in those spots, but also lets you get rid of otherwise dead cards in your hand. Obviously, Brainsurge is a bit on the expensive side, so it’s common to see decks run only one or two copies of the card. That is, of course, unless you have extra synergies in your deck.

Miracles Synergies


Recently, a sweet Miracles shell put up a strong result in Modern, abusing a full playset of Brainsurge. Brainsurge has all the potent functions described above, but it becomes an even more important piece of the puzzle when you look at the full decklist.

Right off the bat, one of the more intriguing inclusions is Terminus. Terminus is a weird card. At six mana, the card is way too inefficient of a board wipe. At one mana, though, the card is busted. The key is being able to reliably set up Miracle.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor has been around for a while and is capable of using its 0 ability to put Terminus back on top just like Brainsurge. The problem is that Jace is expensive and difficult to protect the turn it comes down. You also have to wait a turn cycle for Terminus, and your opponent knows you’ve tapped low and can’t interact as easily.

Brainsurge being an instant means you can set up Terminus for your next turn when applicable and also hold up Counterspells at the same time. Notably, you’ll sometimes have the luxury of setting up an instant-speed Terminus.

Say you cast Brainsurge during your turn, putting Terminus second from the top and a card you don’t want to draw on top. Then, when your opponent goes to attack on their turn, you cast Opt, put the card you don’t want on the bottom, draw Terminus as your first card for the turn, and cast your one-mana Wrath. This makes it more likely you can resolve a Planeswalker on an empty board when you untap.

Brainsurge is also an incredible card with Counterbalance. When your opponent goes to cast a spell and triggers Counterbalance, you can cast Brainsurge in response. You have a good chance of putting a card that matches the opposing spell’s mana cost on top of your deck and getting a free Counterspell out of the deal.

If that weren’t enough, you even have four copies of Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student to flip on command by resolving Brainsurge. This deck has a lot going on, and Brainsurge is the glue that holds everything together.

Other Shells for Brainsurge

Oath of Druids

While control shells are the most common home for Brainsurge, you will occasionally find the card elsewhere. For instance, some Vintage players will choose to feature the card in Oath of Druids decks.

Brainstorm is definitely stronger than Brainsurge in Vintage, but it’s also restricted for a reason. This opens the door for Brainsurge to serve a similar function. Oath of Druids decks generally don’t play many creatures. So, if you draw them naturally, it’s nice to have a couple ways to put them back into your deck to reveal off Oath in the future.

Brainsurge isn’t as essential here as it is in Modern Miracles decks, but the fact that the three-mana instant sees play in MTG’s most powerful format tells you all you need to know about its versatility. Don’t let the uncommon rarity fool you. Brainsurge is much better than it looks.

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