Given it has been dominating MTG finance headlines, there’s no doubt that players are excited about the Eternal Might precon. Arriving alongside Aetherdrift, this preconstructed Commander deck offers interesting discard-based synergies that are equal parts thematic and powerful. Thanks to these qualities that make Eternal Might the preferred precon choice, many players have been rushing to upgrade it.
In the pursuit of doing exactly this, we’ve already seen some utterly massive price spikes recently. This new deck has even revived interest in a long-forgotten Reserved List card, which is quite a feat. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, it now seems Eternal Might is bucking a long-understood finance trend. Despite a reprint of Bone Miser being weeks away from release, this card is spiking in price!
Bone Miser
Originally printed in Commander 2019, Bone Miser is an obvious upgrade to the Eternal Might deck. After all, if you’re playing the secondary Commander option, Hashaton, Scarab’s Fist, you’ll want to be discarding cards incredibly often. With Bone Miser in play, each discard becomes hugely valuable, no matter what goes in the bin.
Given Hashaton’s preference for discarding and copying creatures, you’ll likely be getting a lot of 2/2 Zombies from Bone Miser. This is obviously a welcome boon on top of the existing synergy, especially given Temmet, Naktamun’s Will’s ability to dish out board-wide buffs. Bone Miser can even facilitate these buffs anytime you discard a nonland noncreature card.
On its own, Bone Miser is a fantastic upgrade to the starting Eternal Might decklist. Things get even better, however, when you throw in some of the other potential upgrades. Unfortunately, following these cars being highlighted by The Command Zone, upgrading the deck with these cards is now rather expensive.
As we covered recently, Varina, Lich Queen, Unfulfilled Desires, and Tortured Existence are all fantastic discard engines. Adding any of these cards to the starting Eternal Might list should ideally make things more consistent, especially with Hasahton in charge. Beyond just buffing the deck’s Commander, each of these cards works wonders with Bone Miser.
With all this in mind, it’s little wonder that the price of Bone Miser has been going up recently. That said, this price spike is far from traditional. Unlike the vast majority of price spikes, this card is getting a reprint in just two weeks. Despite this, plenty of players have still been buying their copies early, causing this spike.
The Spike
Since the start of 2025, the price of Bone Miser has only spiked by around 157%. Considering the magnitude of recent price spikes we’ve seen, this might not seem so impressive. Unlike cards like Varina, Lich Queen, however, Bone Miser was already fairly expensive to start with.
At the start of this month, a copy of Bone Miser could be yours for around $7.75 which isn’t too bad. Even before this new surge of interest, this card has seen pretty consistent play in Commander in any discard-focused list. Now, however, prices have over doubled, as sales have peaked at $19.99.
Curiously, while Commander 2019 listings for Bone Miser now start at $19, The List copies have a much lower market price. Sadly, however, this doesn’t mean there are deals to be had, as there are very few copies of this printing left available. Currently, on TCGplayer, only four copies from The List are left available for purchase.
Similarly, the Commander 2019 printing is getting fairly close to being bought out. At the time of writing, only 17 copies are left on the storefront. Usually, this low supply fortells an even greater price spike happening in the near future. For better or worse, it’s rather unlikely that such a spike will happen this time around.
The Reprint
As we alluded to earlier, Bone Miser is getting reprinted in Aetherdrift. Specifically, the card is appearing as one of the ten Special Guest cards. This means this reprint, while still a reprint, won’t be the most plentiful and price-changing in the grand scheme of MTG. Nonetheless, new supply will be hitting the market soon.
More than just being a fresh reprint to, hopefully, bring down prices, this new Bone Miser has some wild new art. Created by Jay Howell, famous for their work on Bob’s Burger’s, this reprint essentially looks like a Secret Lair card. Currently, it’s unclear what this artwork may do for the price of this Bone Miser.
On the one hand, this artwork could be a touch too extreme for the general MTG-playing population. Should this be the case, prices may slump, and this stunning variant may end up being remarkably cheap. Alternatively, this Special Guest variant could become the ultra-prized chase variant for Bone Miser which ends up being very expensive.
Ultimately, we’re just going to have to wait and see what happens in the long run. Given the card is being reprinted, it seems that prices falling off before too long looks reasonably likely. Not only will new supply be hitting the market, but player demand is bound to die out before too long. While we’ve seen many prices spiking hard recently, it’s rare for non-competitive spikes to stick around long-term.