Primeval Titan
1, Oct, 24

Best MTG Arena Timeless Decks - October 2024

In late December 2023, Wizards of the Coast launched a brand new format on MTG Arena: Timeless. With no ban list, this format allows access to the strongest cards and decks that Arena has to offer. As you can imagine, this has made the launch of the format an incredibly exciting time for MTG Arena.

If you’re looking to play some Timeless, you’re in luck, as it’s a permanent new format with ranked and unranked queues. So, whether you’re looking to just have some fun or climb the ranked ladder, there’s only one thing you need first; a deck! Thankfully, we’re here to help with exactly that, as we’ve got all the best Timeless decks on MTG Arena!

10 | Jet Storm

Jet Medallion

Jet Storm is a fairly new deck in the Timeless Metagame, although it appears to be a strong performer. This is a bit of a surprise, considering the combo technically requires 5 cards, but it’s surprisingly consistent despite this. Even if you don’t get all the pieces into play at the same time, this deck can still win games on merit.

As for the deck’s main combo, it all revolves around Jet Medallion and Chthonian Nightmare. Alongside two copies of either Greedy Freebooter or Shambling Ghast you can create an infinite loop of enters and dies triggers. This allows the deck to hit an infinite storm count, although that’s not the usual wincon. Instead, this deck tends to use Marionette Apprentice or The Meathook Massacre to drain opponents.

With all the pieces in play, the combo is actually very simple to execute. Thanks to Jet Medallion, Chthonian Nightmare only costs one mana, and both Greedy Freebooter and Shambling Ghast provide a Treasure. This allows you to pay for Chthonian Nightmare again whenever you sacrifice one to resurrect the other.

The only trouble with this combo is that it requires quite a few pieces to make work. Thankfully, this deck has tons of redundancy and craw draw to smooth things out. Necropotence is the classic value engine that should let you find everything you need. On top of that, Diabolic Intent and Demonic Tutor should also keep this combo running smoothly.
While Jet Storm has been proving powerful, it’s typically better in best-of-one, like many combo decks. Graveyard denial, such as Leyline of the Void can completely shut this deck down, after all. To even the odds, Jet Storm does have some hand denial in Grief and Duress, but these cards can only do so much.

9 | Titan Field

Primeval Titan

Surprisingly, Titan Field is another deck surprisingly similar to one of the best decks in Pioneer. Well, they share half a name and a theme, at least. Revolving around Primeval Titan this deck is all about ramp and playing massive creatures. As the name suggests Field of the Dead is also a massive source of land-based value.

Setting itself apart from Amulet Titan in Pioneer, Titan Field in Historic has some classic and rather unusual cards. On the top end Craterhoof Behemoth offers game-ending damage in an instant. Alongside this classic MTG favorite, Titan Field also uses an Alchemy card; Kami of Bamboo Groves.

Providing this deck with additional ramp or Forests to play, this unique spirit is surprisingly great in Timeless. The deck’s real killer card, however, is unsurprisingly Natural Order. Allowing players to cast this deck’s best and most expensive cards for cheap, this tutor is vital to winning games. Should you not be able to find a copy, however, Fierce Empath can work in a pinch.

In best-of-one, Titan Field is more than capable of rolling an unprepared opponent who can’t keep up with constant bombs. In Best-of-Three matchups, however, the deck still holds its own thanks to a sideboard splash of white. Adding in its own removal, denial, and uncounterable creatures, this deck is prepared for most situations.

8 | Golgari Yawgmoth

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

In both Modern and Historic, Golgari Yawgmoth decks have been incredibly popular for quite some time. Alongside the namesake card, curiously this combo deck also relies on Young Wolf from Dark Ascension. Using these two cards, you can create a loop of infinite draw, ETB, and death triggers.

To activate the combo, you’ll need two copies of Young Wolf in play alongside Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. Once in play, you must use Yawgmoth’s ability to sacrifice a Young Wolf. placing the -1/-1 counter anywhere else. From here, all you have to do is sacrifice a Young Wolf without any counters and target the Young Wolf with +1/+1 with the negative counter. This final step can be repeated infinitely, or so long as you have life, at least.

While drawing up to 20 cards is always nice, the real power of this deck comes from the death triggers. Allowing the deck to actually win, this deck utilizes Blood Artist to capitalize on those triggers. By draining an opponent for one with each dead Young Wolf, this combo gets seriously deadly. Beyond this, since you’re gaining life too, it becomes properly infinite!

While Golgari Yawgmoth is typically a Modern deck, Timeless has been able to supercharge it with a few upgrades. Using Demonic Tutor and Natural Order the Timeless variant is a lot more consistent. This allows it to handily keep up with the faster pace of the Timeless metagame.

7 | Mono Black Necro

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse

From the format’s inception, Mono Black Necropotence was one of the best decks in Timeless. Now that Modern Horizons 3 has shaken up the meta, this deck appears to have fallen out of favor in place of pure mono black goodness. While both Necropotence and Necrodominance are options, they’re not nearly as needed as before.

Thanks to Modern Horizons 3, black decks now have access to Grief to get their game plans going early doors. Able to be resurrected with Reanimate, these cards can get you a very scary turn one threat. For turn two, Dark Ritual can give you all the mana you’d need to cast Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.

With The One Ring providing ample protection and draw, this big mono black deck can just keep pumping out threats. Should these not be enough to claim victory, for whatever reason, there’s a tipple of removal too. As always, Fatal Push is the go-to removal option, but this deck also utilizes Consuming Corruption to stabilize against aggressive strategies.

6 | Mono Blue Belcher

Goblin Charbelcher

Mono Blue Belcher is one of, if not the, strangest decks on this entire list. That being said, it’s still very much deserving of its spot on this list of the best MTG decks in Timeless right now. Capable of dealing upwards of 40 damage to an opponent in an instant, this deck is as unique as it is deadly.

As the name gives away,  this deck revolves around Goblin Charbelcher. So long as you have no lands in your deck, this card can one-shot an opponent for nearly 50 damage. While this damage is very exciting, unfortunately, running zero lands in your deck is a major downside… Right?

Thanks to Modern Horizons 3, running zero lands in a deck is now surprisingly easy. With cards like Sink into Stupor and Hydroelectric Specimen providing untapped mana, you’re not stuck helplessly waiting. To help keep things moving even more, running Mana Drain can get you belching even earlier. 

As if one deadly combo wasn’t enough, Mono Blue Belcher can also just run Show and Tell. With Omniscience waiting in the wings, this deck has more than one way to overwhelm opponents. Should that still not be enough, Harbinger of the Seas can provide some welcome disruption while Fae of Wishes provides additional utility.

All in all, Mono Blue Belcher is a very strong deck that has been seriously proving itself lately. As time goes on, and the Timeless meta stabilizes, this deck may climb even further up the rankings. For now, this deck is absolutely one of the best options in Timeless, especially if you love combo shenanigans.

5 | Show and Tell

Show and Tell

After being introduced as a Special Guest in Murders at Karlov Manor, Show and Tell is now making waves in Timeless. Typically played as a mostly Dimir deck, this deck’s unique game plan is all about cheating in a better card than your opponent. To do this, all you need to do is cast Show and Tell with the right cards in hand.

When playing this deck, there’s just one card that you’re looking for Omniscience. Allowing you to play all your spells for free, this single card should allow you to win almost every game. That will be the case, at least, provided you have enough card draw and gas in your hand.

Thankfully, when everything is free, casting countless card draw spells is a mercifully easy task. With Dig Through Time, Brainstorm, Assemble the Team, this deck easily finds what it needs. Thanks to a compelling suite of counterspells, it can also keep what you cast in play.

To actually win the game, Show and Tell decks tend to have a few haymaker threats to devastate opponents with. Unsurprisingly, given they’re absolutely everywhere, this usually means punching in with Atraxa, Grand Unifier. Offering insane ETB value and deadly stats too, Atraxa, Grand Unifier really does do it all.

As a fairly new deck, Show and Tell decks have been showing fairly strong matchups across the Timeless metagame right now. That being said, it’s hardly taken over the format, so there’s a lot of room still for creativity. 

4 | Lurrus Domain

Territorial Kavu

From the inception of Timeless, Domain has always been a popular strategy. Whether it’s Five Color Good Stuff with Omnath or full-on Territorial Kavu Domain, the archetype has always thrived. Following the release of Modern Horizons 3, the latter of these archetypes have evolved into the deck we have today.

Rather than ramping up to massive threats with a full Domain of mana, Lurrus Domain keeps things short and sweet. Capping out at two mana, this aggressive deck lets you build your board fast while bringing creatures back should they perish. This is all thanks to the titular Lurrus of the Dream-Den who props up this unusual strategy.

While Lurrus has always been an option for Domain decks, Amped Raptor has fueled the aggressive innovation. Even without any extra Energy, this card lets you get two cards for the price of one. Regardless of what you find, this is a great deal that helps grow your board and keep the pressure on.

Thanks to Domain being the deck’s focus, Amped Raptor isn’t stuck just finding piddly 1/1s or weak aggressive creatures. Instead, cards like Nishoba Brawler and Wild Nacatl come into play packing some serious punch. Should you need it Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Deathrite Shaman can also provide this deck with a good deal of ramp too.
Further fueling this deck’s aggressive nature is Break Out from Murders at Karlov Manor. By providing a mild tutor effect and giving the tutored two-drop Haste, this spell works wonders in the deck. Similarly, Tribal Flames can provide a welcome finisher or be removal in a pinch.

3 | Dimir Midrange

Psychic Frog

There’s no doubt that many Modern Horizons 3 cards are popular in multiple competitive and causal formats. Few cards, however, are as popular as Phsyic Frog. Offering card draw, strong scaling, and even mild evasion, this card really does it all.

On top of Phsyic Frog continually stealing the show, Dimir Midrange offers a range of removal that’s propped up by early creatures. Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student can be flipped early with a cheeky Brainstorm, and Nethergoyf can linger while growing into a substantial threat. Should these not be enough to get the job done, Orcish Bowmasters and Death’s Shadow can both pack a punch too.

Speaking of control, thanks to Timeless’ no-ban list philosophy, Dimir Midrange can run removal bombs like Mana Drain. With Fatal Push and Dismember taking our creatures too, this deck doesn’t give opponents an inch. Many Dimir Midrange Lists in Timeless are even running Lurrus as their Companion to ensure their threats don’t disappear.

All in all, Dimir Midrange is currently Timeless’ go-to control deck. While it doesn’t exactly wait around for threats to answer, this deck is more than capable of getting the job done. If you hate the thought of your opponents playing Magic, this might just be the deck for you.

2 | Rakdos Scam


It was only a matter of time before Rakdos Scam made its way into Timeless. From the moment the Evoke Elementals were revealed as Special Guests for Modern Horizons 3, it was truly inevitable. Unsurprisingly, this deck is easily one of the best in the entire Timeless format right now.

While the Evoke Elementals are the fun new cards empowering this archetype, it’s really built around reanimation effects. Specifically Not Dead After All and Reanimate allow you to resurrect major threats at minimal cost. From as early as turn one, this can give you some truly devastating threats, but the fun doesn’t stop there.

Now that the Evoke Elementals are on MTG Arena, you can get some insane ETB effects too. On turn one, hitting an opponent with Grief not once but twice can seriously scupper their game plan. Alternatively, doing the same with Fury offers insane damage or early removal.

Complimenting the powerful creatures like Troll of Khazad-dûm, Rakdos Scam can also copy threats through Fable of the Mirror-Breaker. To ensure this card has time to pop, Thoughtseize and Lightning Bolt help provide a smidgen of control. While disruptive, these cards definitely play second fiddle to the massive monsters you’ll be efficiently cheating in.

Sadly, Rakdos Scam isn’t quite as infallible as it used to be. Now that Vexing Bauble exists, players can reliable sideboard against this deck. Despite this, Rakdos Scam is still an incredibly powerful and downright devastating deck in most situations.

1 | Mardu Energy

Guide of Souls

When it comes to best-of-three, Mardu Energy has proven to be more effective than its Boros counterpart. This is largely thanks to additional removal options and redundancy that keeps piling on the pressure. You also get to run the ever-annoying Orcish Bowmasters which helps keep opponents in check and furthers their demise.

In the main deck, the black splash on top of this Boros archetype allows you to play Juggernaut Peddler and Chthonian Nightmare. The latter of these cards is a valuable source of energy that allows you to reanimate fallen threats. Alongside the hand-attacking Juggernaut Peddler, this gives the deck more options against removal instead of solely being aggressive.

This black slash can become even more pronounced post-board, as more options like Thoughtseize become available. Alongside Surgical Extraction and ubiquitous tools like Pithing Needle, this deck has proven to be impressively resilient. It can also pack a serious punch, just like its Boros brethren.

Much like Boros Energy, this Mardu variant churns out tokens thanks to Ocelot Pride and Ajani, Nacatl Pariah. So long as Guide of Souls is in play, these will generate plenty of Energy which pays for everything else. Amped Raptor, Galvanic Discharge, and Static Prison may each provide their own Energy, but having more is always useful.

All in all, Mardu Energy is providing to be an incredibly popular choice and one of the best MTG decks in Timeless. That said, it does struggle somewhat against the Show and Tell archetype which is also everywhere. Despite this, if you’re looking for a creature-focused aggro deck, you really can’t go wrong here. 

Read More: Best MTG Historic Decks

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